working-cow-homemade-ice-creamLook for the ‘Working Cow’ Logo when you treat yourself to Ice Cream

Working Cow Homemade Ice Cream has been manufacturing super premium ice cream locally since 1993. For over twenty years they have served ice cream parlors, restaurants and institutions, including universities and retirement communities.

They are truly a local success story.

It is obvious, if you look around, that people in Florida LOVE Ice Cream. Tourists sometimes treat themselves every day, often to a different flavor.  “I’ve had customers try all 60 flavors we carry in just ten days. Working Cow Ice Cream is  addictive,” said a local ice cream parlor pioneer.

Most of the best independant ice cream parlors in Paradise NEWS readership area from the beaches to downtown feature Working Cow. Working Cow is proud to make their ice cream here, using local dairies and Florida ingredients whenever possible. Their goal is to provide their fans, old and new, with the freshest,  healthiest ice cream.

The employees & families of Working Cow thank you for your patronage and support, and promise you that they  “will never sacrifice quality for bottom line profits.”  They are a St. Petersburg, Florida-based, family-owned company, blending more than 100 flavors, creating: super premium homemade gourmet ice creams, frozen yogurts, sugarfree ice creams, sherbets and fruity Italian Ices.

They are one of the only remaining ice cream companies in the United States that still use batch freezers, quality ingredients from sustainable farmers across the lands, and Florida’s finest dairy with no bovine growth hormone or high fructose corn syrup. The result is old-fashioned homemade taste that brings back memories and will make memories with the family for years to come. They would like to earn your business and fulfill your ice cream and frozen treat needs and desires. 

Knowing how unusual their business is in the industry, Working Cow has devised a system for visitors from the northeast, midwest and the rest of the country to get their terrific ice cream at home too. Packed in a sturdy cooler and covered with dry ice, 4 quarts arrive safely within 3 days, nationwide. 

Visit online at: WorkingCowHomemade.comChoose four favorite flavors from the extensive list provided. Click on shipping information for details, and remember, “There’s love in every scoop.”

Home delivery customers can choose from over 20 readily  available flavors that can ship Monday – Thursday anywhere in the country with 1-3 day delivery.  Call (727) 572-7251.

Opening up an ice cream shop or wanting to carry Working Cow products in an existing business?  Call toll free at (877) 320-2269.

BUSINESS Profile   – By Peter A. Roos

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