Hanging Around: Woody’s Water Roo in Ellenton

By Caron Schwartz

My youngest sister lives in Sarasota. Typically, we Schwartz girls have met halfway at the outlet mall in Ellenton, where we can indulge our family’s favorite pastime, shopping. Sometimes Boyfriend, who lives in Englewood, will join in.

But last weekend was different. Boyfriend wanted to meet for lunch to bid my visiting middle sister and brother-in-law farewell before they left for their home in England. Woody’s Water Roo, just steps away from the mall on the Manatee River, fit the bill. (Meanwhile, Little Sis and her spouse bounced around the mosh pit at the Innings Festival in Tampa.)

A balloon archway greeted us as we entered the tiki-roofed venue. Soon we found a table right on the dock with an umbrella that kept all of us comfortably in the shade.

The menu was intriguing. It fittingly consisted of mostly seafood, but in unusual manifestations. How about that Grouper Roo-Ben? Crab BLT anyone? While I munched a blackened tilefish sandwich (tender and flaky), Boyfriend embarked on the Grouper Roo-Ben (amazing), and Bro-in-Law chowed down on the Key West rice bowl (sweet and sour delight). Sis sipped iced tea and enjoyed us enjoying ourselves.

Iced coffee wasn’t on the menu, but our server brought us his homemade concoction: a creamy caffeinated brew which he said was coffee and ice cream mix. Yum!

Soon the lunch crowd began to pile in, including families on pontoon boats and couples on jet skis and docking at our feet. At 1pm Tropical Avenue hit the bandstand with a rousing rendition of “Superstition.” 

Woody’s River Roo: not only a fantastic location and great food, but ambiance galore and a beat you could dance to. It even has a full bar if you’re so inclined. Much more fun than schlepping around the outlets.

Woody’s River Roo www.woodysriverroo.com
Tropical Avenue www.tropicalave.com
Innings Festival www.inningsfestival.com/florida
Ellenton Outlet Mall www.premiumoutlets.com/outlet/ellenton

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