Help MFA St. Pete raise $50,000 by June 30!
Your donation to the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg will support art conservation, world-class exhibitions and unique programming for our community to enjoy. Through June 30, every $1 donated to the MFA, up to $25,000, will be matched by an anonymous foundation once MFA St. Pete reaches $25,000. Your $50 becomes $100. Your $150 becomes $300, doubling the impact of your gift! Help MFA St. Pete reach their goal!

Last Chance: Register for Sea Oats in Indian Shores
Pinellas County Coastal Management is again providing sea oats for planting to build up the beach dunes this summer. Sea oats aid in building dunes, which can help to protect infrastructure and our beaches. The Town of Indian Shores will apply for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit(s) on behalf of its Indian Shores residents. Those interested should send the needed information to the Town’s Sea Oats Coordinator Darlyn Stockfisch at dstockfisch@myindianshores.com. Click here to learn more.

Place Your Summer & Fall Ads in Paradise News Magazine
Reach locals, snowbirds and tourists in 2022 with a PRINT AD in Paradise News! Over 36,000 copies of Paradise News are circulated throughout our local beach communities and St. Petersburg in racks & stacks at your favorite local business and 20,000+ mailboxes. To learn more about advertising email Peter Roos at sales@paradisenewsfl.com or call 727.363.6888.
- CLICK HERE to see last week’s tidbits.
- The June/July Issue is NOW online. Read it here.
- Our June/July local tidbits is full of local news you want to know! Read our June/July tidbits now at https://www.paradisenewsfl.com/jj-tidbits/.
- Sea turtle nesting season takes place from May 1-Oct. 31 on Southwest Florida beaches. On nesting beaches, light from waterfront properties can disorient nesting female turtles and their young, which emerge at night and use dim natural light to find the sea. Also, beach furniture, trash and other obstacles can impede sea turtles and their young. Click here for the dos & don’ts of protecting sea turtles.
- Go to a Rays game and support Tampa Bay Watch at the same time! TBW is partnering with the Rays for the Thursday, July 14, 7:10pm game vs. the Boston Red Sox.Tickets are in the Lower Level (Located in sections 129-150) at $30 per ticket with a portion of the sales coming back to Tampa Bay Watch. Click here to get your tickets.
- Each Year CTK distributes over 65,000 pairs of new underwear. The drive is designed to collect new underwear to help “underwrite” the cost of underwear. All children deserve clean, new underwear. For the months of July and August, Clothes To Kids will be collecting new packages of underwear. Click here to learn more.
- $6 Sundays at St. Petersburg Museum of History- Sundays through June INFO
- Sit, St, Heal at MFA- June 23 INFO
- St. Pete PRIDE Parade- June 25 INFO
- Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival- June 28- July 18 INFO
- Tampa Bay Watch Midsummer Cleanup- July 9 REGISTER
- Rays Up for Tampa Bay Watch- July 14 TICKETS
- Madeira Beach Summer 5K Sunset Series- July 15, August 5 REGISTER
- The June/July Issue is NOW online. Read it here.
- Reach snowbirds, locals & tourists in 2022 with a print ad in Paradise News! Email Peter Roos at sales@ParadiseNewsFL.com to place your ads in Paradise News in Print.
- Pinellas County Sheriffs Offices wants you to please lock your car doors and stow valuables out of sight.
- CLICK HERE to signup for ALERT PINELLAS to get vital updates during hurricane season.
- Coyotes call Pinellas County home too! CLICK HERE for safety tips for you & your pets.
- Click here to find Sarah Lyons’ Astrology Forecast for your sign.
- Pinellas County’s fertilizer ban runs from June 1st through September 30th. Increased rainfall during this period can cause nitrogen and phosphorus to reach bodies of water, causing a host of environmental issues such as water quality problems, fish kills, and other harmful effects. Click here for a helpful Q&A sheet from Pinellas County.
- Congratulations to Sport Division Team Sierra Family Foundation who brought home the trophy at this past weekend’s Tampa Bay Watch Tarpon Rodeo. Overall, 8 fish were safely caught and released between 34 teams. Click here to see all of the winners.
- Café Clementine at the Museum of Fine Arts St. Pete is now open Thursday through Sunday 9am-3pm. Plan your next trip to the Museum of Fine Arts St. Pete at https://mfastpete.org/visit/.
- Mark your calendars. The St. Petersburg Museum of History’s annual fundraiser, Cocktails on the Courts, returns to the St. Petersburg Shuffleboard Club on Saturday, September 24th 7-10pm. Tickets are $100/person or $175/couple. Click here to get your tickets!
- Mark your calendars for the 2022 Mad Beach Kickoff Tailgate on Saturday, August 20th! This FREE EVENT will feature live music, food vendors, tailgate themed vendors, local college alumni associations, cornhole tournament, and a field goal kicking competition. Event proceeds go towards supporting the Madeira Beach Recreation Program. Click here to learn more.
- During June, local author Deb Carson will be presenting her multimedia presentation or speaking at select venues including Florida CraftArt and St. Petersburg Library for PRIDE month. Find a list of locations and dates at https://www.paradisenewsfl.com/becoming-flo-pride-events/. For information on ordering Becoming Flo, email Deb at Debcarsonwrites@gmail.com.
- The Beach Theatre is halfway through their Summer Movies Series at Horan Park. Over four Wednesday evenings in June, The Beach Theatre will take a look at four iconic Judy performances under the stars of Horan Park. Admission is free! There will be food and beverage options available for purchase, with proceeds benefitting The Beach Theatre Community Foundation. Learn more at https://www.paradisenewsfl.com/spb-summer-film-series/.
- The Museum of Fine Arts is proud to be a Blue Star Museum and show their appreciation to military families. From Armed Forces Day (May 21, 2022) to Labor Day (September 5, 2022), the MFA offers free admission to active duty military personnel, including National Guard and Reserve, and their families. Click here to learn more.
- Gio Swaby: Fresh Up opened on May 28th at the Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg. Running through October 9th, Gio Swaby: Fresh Up is the first solo exhibition of this Bahamian artist and explores the intersections of Blackness and womanhood. Click here to learn more.
- Gulfport Senior Center Foundation will be installing a memorial ribbon of engraved pavers in Gulfport’s Veterans Park. Proceeds will help support programs and services offered at the Gulfport Multipurpose Senior Center. Donors can purchase customized engraved bricks to memorialize a loved one or friend (Veteran or Non-Veteran). Learn more at https://www.paradisenewsfl.com/veterans-park-memorial/.
- BIG NEW on St. Pete Beach! RumFish Beach Resort has EXPANDED! TradeWinds Island Resorts acquired Alden Suites and it is now an expansion of RumFish Beach Resort, bringing their grand total of rooms to 734. Book your stay(cation) now at JustLetGo.com.
- Connect with the City of Gulfport through their app! CLICK HERE to learn more and download it.
- The City of St. Pete Beach is now using See Click Fix for residents to submit issues to the city. Click here to learn more.
- Clothes to Kids needs donations! Learn how you can help here.