VSPC Awards Four USF Veterans Scholarships

The Veterans of South Pinellas County (VSPC) awarded four Veterans Assistance Scholarships to attendees at the USF St. Petersburg campus at an August 31 breakfast event, President Harry Metz reported. Two seniors with $500 grants are Jessica Chappa, majoring in Biology/Biomedical Sciences, US Air Force Security Forces, goal to become a Professional Physical Therapist; and Brian Mackin, Finance Major, US Army Medic – Iraq, goal to manage a Medical Non-Profit. Fall $500 and next Spring $500 awards went to Joshua Mayer, Senior, Health Sciences/Psychology Major, US Navy , goal to qualify as officer candidate; and Jeremiah Sanders, Freshman, Finance Major, US Army Special Forces/Ranger, Iraq & Afghanistan, goal is to serve as an FBI Agent Anti-terrorism Specialist. VSPC board members Brooks Cavender and Wayne MacDowell noted that all funding comes from VSPC general  budget funds, raised throughout the year. Applications are reviewed and awarded by the USF Director of Military & Veterans Success Center (M&VSC) and members of the VSPC board of Directors.

Recipients of the USF/St Pete Campus fall semester VSPC Scholastic Assistance Grants ( L- R) Brian Mackin, Senior; Harry Metz, VSPC President; Jeremiah Sanders, Freshman; Jessica Chappa, Senior; Joshua Mayer, Senior; Wayne MacDowell, VSPC Board; Milton White, Director, M&VSC.


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