Visit St. Pete/Clearwater Unveils New Visiting Safely & Responsibly Campaign for Labor Day Weekend

On the heels of the traditionally busy travel Labor Day Weekend, Visit St. Pete/Clearwater, along with local officials, will unveil its Visiting Safely & Responsibly Campaign called “Rise to Shine” on Friday. The campaign was developed with chambers of commerce and local municipalities to give Pinellas County businesses a unified approach to expectations during COVID-19.

According to the latest traveler sentiment research, those who are thinking about packing their bags for a trip—even staycations—want to know what hotels, attractions, restaurants and destinations are doing to keep them safe. “Rise to Shine” helps accomplish that while St. Pete/Clearwater continues to lead the state in many tourism metrics since the reopening of its beaches.

Developed to reach locals, in-market visitors and prospective visitors, the goal of the nearly $2 million campaign is to communicate safe and responsible behaviors, ensure adherence to the county’s face covering ordinance and provide positive messaging for the right way to experience St. Pete/Clearwater during this time. 

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