Visit Cuba with OLLI

Visit  CUBA with OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning  Institute (OLLI) – Eckerd College) January 28-February 2, 2018

People-to-People Excursion to Cuba Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Eckerd College announces a six-day people-to-people excursion to Cuba, January 28-February 2, 2018.

The trip will be led by a former U.S. federal government official who has traveled to Cuba for over 20 years and who has strong ties with its national artists, intellectuals and athletes and is well versed in U.S. – Cuba policy and regulations on travel on the island.

OLLI piloted a trip of this nature in January 2017 in advance of and with the expectation of additional changes to U.S. – Cuba policy and specifically travel to it.

While the excursion will include visits to Havana’s historic sights, including the Plaza of the Revolution, the National Cathedral, its captivating old town, private artisan shops and Ernest Hemingway’s favorite destinations, the focus of this trip will be on a true people-to-people exchange that is unique.  Travelers will be staying in private homes with Cuban families, eating exclusively in privately-owned restaurants or paladares and engaging with the creative and intellectual leaders in Havana.    

The trip also includes a ferry ride to the Afro-Cuban community of Regla to experience its distinctive music and meet with Roberto Zurbano, a noted Cuban writer & internationally recognized intellectual.

Away from Havana, travelers will be taken to Vinales, designated by UNESCO as a world heritage site, in the province of Pinar Del Rioto enjoy its beautiful valley, rolling hills and breath taking topography.

Direct air travel departs from Tampa International Airport to Havana.   The excursion meets the recent requirements under new U.S. regulations issued on November 8, 2017.

The all-inclusive cost is $3,850 per person based on double-occupancy rooms and an additional $275 for single-occupancy room.  U.S. passports required.   The small-group excursion is limited to 14 people.

For more information visit or contact OLLI at 727-864-7600 to request a catalog. To book contact Tom Santee at or call 727-864-7814.

Information courtesy of OLLI.

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