Veteran’s Art Center Tampa Bay Grand Opening

The Veteran’s Art Center Tampa Bay will open its doors to the public on Saturday March 25, 2017 from 11:00 am until 8:00 pm.  The VACTB is Florida’s first art center for Military, Veterans, First Responders and Families that provide therapy, healing, wellness and education programming.

The Grand Opening’s Formal Ceremony will being at 3:00PM.  The event features art exhibits, tours of the gallery, street performers, musical guests and special guest speakers throughout the day. The purpose of the event is not only to showcase art created by our local veterans and first responders but to also raise awareness for the Center, what we do and how we help.

Veteran’s Art Center located in Gas Light Square, 6798 Crosswinds Drive N., St. Petersburg, Florida..

For more information contact Scott Macksam at 813.504.3092 or

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