USCG Safe Boating Program Starts April 2018

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 78 has a 12-week repeating cycle of Safe Boating Program meetings every Tuesday at 7:00 pm at 1500 Pass-a-Grille Way, St. Pete Beach (at the Warren Webster Building, 1 mile south of the Don CeSar). Start at any point in the cycle. Arrive the first time at 6:30 pm to register. Included in this program are detailed and illustrated materials that cover a variety of program topics.

The program package is based on the new USCG Auxiliary Boating Skills & Seamanship 14th Edition 400-page manual. All materials will be included in the cost of the program which is $45 per participant for 12 weeks ($60 for couples sharing the materials).

Call Jim at 727-360-4846, Warren at 727-321-7801 or Phil at 727-865-2226.

April 3                  “Your Highway Signs”
April 10               Rules of the Nautical Road
April 17                Boating Safety
April 24               Introduction to Navigation
May 1                  Powering Your Boat
May 8                  Lines and Knots
May 15               Weather
May 22               Your Boat’s Radio
May 29                Which Boat is for You?
June 5                  Equipment for Your Boat
June 12                Waterway Watch/Trailering Your Boat
June 19                Handling Your Boat

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