Treasure Island Women’s Club Raises More than $8K

treasure-islettes-2The Treasure Island’s Women’s Club, the Islettes, raised more than 8K to benefit the community.

On March 12 at the Treasure Island Community Center 250 people attended an Islettes fundraising event that brought in more than 8K. This is one of the largest total the Islettes has brought in during one day in its 60-year history. President Mary Cox was delighted and said it is so gratifying to know that 100 percent of the proceeds will help fund many needed projects. Millie Fant, the Chairman, for the Beautification Committee, together with numerous Islettes members worked tirelessly on the luncheon, raffles, silent auction that included generous donations by local businesses and fashion show provided by Macy’s Department store and modeled by Islettes members.

The Treasure Islettes meet on the fourth Monday at 7 pm of each month from September to May at the Treasure Island Community Center. The Islettes welcomeall women who have an interest in volunteerism for more information contact the Treasure Islettes by email at or Marian Alton at 727-360-0164.

Bingo runs every Thursday at 6:45 pm and 7:45 pm at the Treasure Island Community Center, One Park Place, Treasure Island (behind Walgreen’s).


Picture 1: Julian (the former Mayor of Treasure Island) and Chairwoman Millie Fant, take a break from the Islettes fundraising event

Picture 2: Islettes – Marian Rada, Pauline Green and Marian Alton take a break from the festivities

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