Treasure Island to Kick Off Master Park Plan Engagement Process

The Treasure Island Recreation Big Picture Master Park Plan will create a community-supported tool to aide future long-term decision making related to parks and recreation facilities and spaces.

The City’s Master Park Plan will set the course for the future needs and desires of the community. The Master Park Plan will allow the City to understand the impact (social, economic and environmental) of future choices for the betterment of Treasure Island. Planning will provide perspective in challenges, identify realistic alternatives and formulate a successful course of action in regards to the parks, recreational facilities and programs provided by the City. 

To ensure that the City’s first master park plan accurately reflects community needs and priorities, the City is conducting an extensive public engagement effort. As part of the park planning process, the Recreation Department will conduct interviews with stakeholders, focus groups, and park users; distribute a community survey online; and host (3) community “Park Planning and Pizza” meetings at different recreation facilities across the City: 

Park Planning & Pizza Schedule

  • Wednesday, April 3rd – Treasure Island Community Center 6:30pm (with free childcare provided)
  • Saturday, April 6th – Rosselli Park 1:00pm
  • Monday, May 6th – Sunset Beach Pavilion 6:30pm

Public input is essential in preparing a comprehensive master park plan. The City of Treasure Island invites the community to attend a public input “Park Planning and Pizza” meeting to provide feedback, ideas, and opinions regarding the City’s parks and recreational spaces.

For more information, visit or call the Recreation Department at (727) 547-4575 Ext. 237, email

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