Treasure Island, Florida’s sand sculpture capital, hosts “Sanding Ovations”

All it takes is a pile of sand, some buckets of water, and lots of imagination to build a masterpiece — at least for ten master sculptors who return to Treasure Island for the 8th annual Sanding Ovations Masters Cup Sand Sculpture Competition and Music FestivalNovember 16-20, 2016. The top four sculptures and a “people’s choice” sculpture will be awarded over $12,000 cash prizes. Sand sculptors at Sanding Ovations come from throughout the world, representing countries such as Ireland, Netherlands, Singapore, Russia, Lithuania, Canada and the United States.

The masterful exhibition of sand sculpting talent at the world-class level is the big appeal, supplemented by the giant sponsor sculpture created by Treasure Island’s own Meredith Corson and Dan Doubleday of Sanding Ovations professional sand sculptors.


The beach food court, an arts and crafts marketplace and three days of live music make Sanding Ovations a must-see event while visiting Treasure Island. NEW this year are sand sculpting lessons for children offered hourly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sign up is on the beach.

Produced by the City of Treasure Island Parks & Recreation Department, Sanding Ovations is free and open to the public. For event schedules, sand sculptor bio’s, and other Sanding Ovations info, visit or call TI Parks & Recreation at 727-547-4575 ext. 237.

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