Treasure Island and Madeira Beach Chamber of Commerce Names New President

mad-beach-ti-chamberThe Board of Directors of the Treasure Island & Madeira Beach Chamber of Commerce announced that Jo Massaro has resigned as President after 3 years of service, effective September 4th.  The Board has selected Missy Hahn to replace Massaro as President.

“Missy is a strong and experienced leader with more than two decades of operational and management experience in the tourism and business environment.  The Board is confident that she can improve financial and operational performance of the Chamber, as well as, provide added value to its members,” said Jim Everett, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Everett continued, “On behalf of the Board I sincerely thank Jo for her valuable contributions and service to the Chamber.  Her passion and dedication were instrumental in helping the Chamber to achieve many of its goals and setting the course for its future.”

“I look forward to working with our membership to support the Madeira Beach and Treasure Island business community by developing programs that bring greater visibility to the area”, said Hahn.  “One of my first priorities is to complete the launch of our Visitor and Relocation Guide, which will add significant growth in profitability for our businesses.  I welcome the opportunity to meet each of the members and working with them.”

Prior to accepting the position of President, Hahn has been a board member for the Hospitality, Sales & Marketing Association and a Regional Manager for the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association, where she was responsible for all aspects of events and sales for the Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Manatee county chapters.  Currently she is in her tenth term as President of the Board of Directors for Tampa Bay Women in Tourism.

The Treasure Island & Madeira Beach Chamber of Commerce provides leadership and value added services designed to enhance the competitive business community of Madeira Beach and Treasure Island.  As the official “Voice of Business”, the Chamber is an effective force in influencing issues affecting local businesses and provides a united voice to advertise and promote the tourist industry, business community and residential areas.

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