By Claire Brinsden Jordan 

Helpful Tips for Healthful Trips 

If you’re traveling this summer, keeping your mind and body healthy can make or break your long-awaited vacation.  We have all heard about or experienced travel horror stories – like catching a debilitating respiratory virus on the way to Europe, picking up a nasty stomach bug during college visits, or getting food poisoning after eating a hamburger on a Caribbean Island – all of which have happened to my family.  From changes in environment and routine, to exposure to lots of different people and their germs, your immune system takes a beating when you travel.  With a little knowledge, preparation, and planning there are ways to avoid these travel woes and enjoy the trip of a lifetime. 

LOWER PRE-TRAVEL STRESS  Healthy travel starts in the days and weeks prior to your trip by preparing to mitigate stress.  Stress negatively affects your immune system, which needs to be in top form prior to travel. Make sure passports are current, get vaccinations necessary for the trip, and have medications refilled in plenty of time.  Confirm bookings and start packing early.  Understand, however, that changes and delays do occur, so pack your headphones and download a meditation app to prepare for these stressors. 

SLEEP  There is nothing more important to the proper functioning of the immune system than sleep.  Before and during your trip, be sure to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.  It’s best to avoid “Red-Eye” flights that deprive you of a good night’s sleep at the start of your trip.  If you are changing time zones, start shifting your sleep and wake times a week in advance to help with the transition. Getting out into the sun in the morning can help with jetlag.  Pack ear plugs and an eye mask to block out noise and light while sleeping in a new environment.  Bring a roll of black electrical tape to cover blinking lights in your room.  Pack your favorite pillow cover for comfort and familiarity. Most importantly, avoid using devices like phones and computers 1-2 hours before sleep, and limit caffeine intake after 2pm. 

HYGIENE  While you may prefer the aisle seat for ease of getting up on the plane, studies show that these seats also subject you to the most germs.  Regardless of where you sit on the plane, bring a travel size pack of disinfecting wipes, and wipe down arm rests, buttons, and the tray table at your plane seat, as well as door handles, light switches, and the remote when you arrive at your hotel room.  Always keep a travel size hand sanitizer with you and use it before you touch food.  When travelling, you should wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before eating, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. 

NUTRITION  It’s tempting while on vacation to over-indulge on food and drink, especially the unhealthy kind like sweets and alcohol.   While it is fine to treat yourself occasionally, your immune system needs proper nutrition to function at its highest level.  Pack healthy snacks like nuts, dark chocolate, and dried fruit for the plane journey and day trips.  Eat plenty of fruits high in vitamin C, and take extra Vitamin D3, as well as a probiotic.  If you are visiting less-developed countries, avoid food that has not been stored or prepared properly, especially meat, dairy, and raw vegetables.  You should skip street food and raw food just to be safe.   

HYDRATION  Plane air is very dry with humidity levels of only 10-20%, so it’s important to drink plenty of water and clear liquids. Also remember to pack lip balm, saline nasal spray, and travel size body lotion.  Wear glasses instead of contacts to avoid dry eyes while on the plane.  Pack a small water bottle in your carry-on that you can refill while travelling.  Bring it everywhere with you to remind you to keep drinking.  Bring some electrolyte packs to add to your water bottle with each refill.  When visiting less-developed countries, do not drink tap water and use factory-sealed bottled water instead.  Avoid ice, which may be frozen tap water.  A water purifier bottle is a good investment if you don’t want to buy water in plastic bottles. 

MOVEMENT  It’s very important to stay active while travelling.  Stretch before and after your plane flight. Look for fun activities that involve exercise, try to walk as much as you can, take the stairs, and visit the hotel gym or pool.  Pack a jump rope and resistance bands, or do exercises that don’t involve equipment like yoga, squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks.  To avoid blood clots in the legs on long flights, don’t cross your legs while sitting, do ankle circles regularly, and get up and walk around hourly.  

The key to a healthful trip is helping your immune system do its job.  It’s also a good idea to pack a small first-aid kit with cleansing wipes, antibacterial ointment, bandages, and acetaminophen (called “paracetamol” in other countries).  You should also pack sunscreen to avoid painful sunburns, and insect repellent for outdoor excursions.  Putting in the effort to do a few simple things can make your vacation memorable for all the right reasons.  Bon Voyage! 

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