Trading Up for Anniversaries & Birthdays at Diny’s Diamonds in Treasure Island

By Peter A. Roos

Beverly Diny is our resident island diamond expert, jewelry designer and re-designer. She opened her jewelry shop, Diny’s Diamonds, in the shadow of the Treasure Island clock tower in 2015.

While Beverly loves to sell diamonds, she realizes that to run an island business and live an island lifestyle you have to cater to both residents and visitors alike. To thrive, you have to provide a service that cannot be had nearby on the mainland.

Beverly has found her special niche in the beach communities is redesigning jewelry, often upgrading cherished pieces for birthdays or anniversaries. “Our little corner of Paradise is blessed by having many happy couples in long relationships. It is not always the first marriage that lasts, but it is wonderful when significant milestones are reached.”

One of the greatest pleasures in my work is helping people celebrate the milestones in their lives, graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, retirement, essentially any time that bears celebrating is a great time to consider adding a piece or upgrading something you already cherish to make it even more special.”

This time each year Beverly creates and distributes a jewelry catalog for people looking for a new treasure. Paste this in your browser and take a gander.

“If you see something you like, remember we have some terrific financing plans available, so nothing is out of the question,” Beverly told Paradise NEWS.

Beverly is open 10am to 5:30pm T-F and Saturday 11pm-3pm at her shop at 130 107th Ave., Treasure Island 33706. Visit – for info.

Feel free to call or text her at 727-513-DINY (3469) for a convenient time when she can give you her undivided attention or just stop in to shop for a gift for yourself, a friend or a loved one.

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