Tighter Water Restrictions

Southwest Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Effective June 5 through August 1, 2017

  • Potable water restrictions will change to one-day-per-week schedule
  • Customers should reduce non-essential water use to conserve resource
  • Due to a rainfall deficit, this is the driest dry season in 103 years!

Lawn watering is limited to a once-per-week schedule using potable,well, lake or pond sources as follows:

Watering Days: Addresses ending in 0 or 1: Monday; 2 or 3: Tuesday; 4 or 5: Wednesday; 6 or 7: Thursday; 8 or 9: Friday; mixed or no addresses: Friday.

  • Prohibited lawn irrigation hours: 8 am – 6 pm
  • Handwatering & micro-irrigation of plants (other than lawns) can be done on any day-any time, if needed.
  • New lawns and plants have a 60-day establishment period. On days 1-30, watered any day of the week. During days 31-60, watered approximately every other day. Even-numbered addresses water Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday. Odd-numbered addresses water Monday, Wednesday & Saturday.
  • Homeowners associations and other entities must suspend any requirement to replace lawns, pressure wash or engage in other activity which is not in alignment with the water shortage declaration.
  • Car washing limited to once-per-week on designated watering day. Commercial car washes, including mobile detailing businesses, may still operate on any day. Emergency and other first responder vehicles may still be washed on any day as needed. Fundraising events are prohibited unless they were scheduled prior to enactment of this order.
  • Pressure washing allowed once a year and for necessary purposes, such as prior to painting or sealing, in order to maintain a paint or material warranty, to address a health or safety hazard & to comply with health laws.
  • Fountains and other aesthetic water features may operate eight hours per day. Regular operation hours can be selected by owner & must poste.
  • Sprinkler-like devices used on a lawn for recreational purposes, limited to the lawn and landscape restrictions.
  • The lawn and landscape of agricultural operations, commercial establishments, golf courses, athletic fields, and industrial facilities are subject to lawn & landscape restrictions listed in the Water Shortage Order.
  • Water use necessary for fire suppression, maintaining safe drinking water quality and other essential services is not restricted.

Violation of the restrictions may result in a fine of $193. There is no allowance for malfunctioning or improperly set timers.

Reclaimed water use remains subject to Pinellas County Utilities restrictions, unless it is blended with potable, well, lake or pond water for irrigation, then the blended water falls under the water shortage order. Customers using reclaimed water provided by Pinellas County Utilities should be following the reclaimed water restrictions found at http://www.pinellascounty.org/utilities/reclaim-irrigation.htm.

Detailed information about water restrictions, call Customer Service (727) 464-4000 or visit www.pinellascounty.org/utilities/water-restrict.htm.  For SWFWMD, visit www.swfwmd.state.fl.us.

The Pinellas County water program underscores a key component of Pinellas County’s Strategic Plan: reducing, reusing and recycling resources including energy, water and solid waste.

Information courtesy of Pinellas County Government.

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