Tierra Verde’s New Bridge

It has been talked about for years, but just like the Bayway Bridge to St Pete Beach, it will eventually become a reality.

The project includes replacing the existing two-lane bascule bridge with a high-level fixed-bridge structure providing 65ft vertical navigational clearance over the existing channel.

The Village at Tierra Verde driveway will be relocated to align with Madonna Blvd, and a roundabout will be added at Madonna Blvd and 1st Street.

The entire road will be resurfaced from Isla Shopping Center to the roundabout. This project has been discussed at length for up to 15 years and is currently on deck for action by FDOT. Based on the data provided by the bridge tender at Structure E, and allowing for tidal fluctuations, this height would allow over 99% of the waterway users to safely navigate under the structure.

The bridge replacement typical section includes a 12ft lane and a 10ft shoulder in each direction to accommodate bicyclists and disabled vehicles.

A 5ft sidewalk is included on the west side, separated from the shoulder by a concrete barrier wall. An 11ft sidewalk is provided on the east side to for a planned multi-use path. The overall width of the fixed span is 65 ft. South of the bridge, the typical section transitions from the undivided two-lane bridge to a four-lane divided urban roadway with turn lanes. Lane, shoulder, and sidewalk widths will be consistent with the proposed bridge.

The proposed roadway typical section approaching the north end of the bridge is similar to the proposed bridge except it is elevated on embankment with a retaining wall on each side. The retaining wall will minimize the amount of fill needed to be placed on the causeway and into Boca Ciega Bay and prevent the type of erosion evident in the existing sloped embankment.

A 4.5-ft high pedestrian/bicycle railing will be provided on the outside. Pedestrian hand railings are required on the sidewalks when the grades exceed 5%. The proposed design speed for all proposed typical sections is 45 mph.

The northern and southern roadway approaches to the bridge structure would be placed on an earthen fill section with a retaining wall. All superstructure components would be located above the splash zone.

Access from S.R. 679 to the causeway beaches north of the bridge could continue via the existing northern set of turnouts. Vehicles could then travel along the causeway on either side to reach the beach area at the southern end of the causeway. Unlike the existing condition, the proposed bridge (north side only) could accommodate vehicular traffic under the bridge from one side of the causeway to the other.

The proposed bridge structure is anticipated to accommodate a storm water management facility (SMF) under both the north and south ends of the bridge to meet treatment requirements for the Recommended Alternative. These proposed pond configurations will also accommodate a potential future S.R. 679 widening to four-lane without modification, if warranted.

Schedule? FDOT plans on selecting a design-build contractor in 2018.  They are in that process now. A year ago when they met with the Tierra Verde Partnership they said they expected to be done with that in 2017, so they are now 6 months behind that schedule.

They still say construction is anticipated to begin in 2018 and should last approximately 3 years. Visit  www.fdottampabay.com/project/238/410755-2-52-01 for current FDOT News. PN

Article by Peter A Roos

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