Tidbits- February 2015

The Greater Gulfport Chamber of Commerce is holding its popular Pink Flamingo Home Tour on March 7th from 11am-4pm. See more info here.

– So Classic Car Show – Saturday, February 7, 9am – 3 pm., Tangerine Greenway, 49th St. & 18th Ave. South. Contact: 727-327-3509. FREE


– 2Cool Art Show- February 7th & 8th 10am – 5pm. Gulfport Casino, 5500 Shore Blvd. This is the 4th year juried 2Cool Art (& fine craft) Show in Gulfport and it just gets better every year! Hosted by The Professional Association of Visual Artists (PAVA), the City of Gulfport and the Gulfport Downtown Merchant Assoc.. Contact: Susan Gehring (727) 916-0105. Connie Parkinson (727) 709-4069. FREE

– Gulfport’s Get Rescued Seeks Volunteers – The 11th animal rescue festival / fundraiser, takes place on Saturday, February 28, 10am-6pm. Several volunteer positions are available, includingset-up, security, information distribution, breakdown and other event duties. Each year, thousands of attendees participate, many accompanied by their own canine companions.

– Gulfport Merchant’s Association donates 100% of the events net proceeds to participating rescue organizations. Most shifts are only 2 hours and our furry friends will certainly appreciate it! Sign up at: www.chrisnsteve.com or email: volunteer@chrisnsteve.com Or call Chris Spencer and Steve; Merchant/Volunteer Coordinators 727-902-2326

– Donations of quality pet supplies are needed to be shared by more than 40participating rescue groups in need on the day of the event, February 28., 2015.All animal lovers are encouraged to donate quality pet products,  including but not limited to dog and cat food, pet treats, cat litter, pet beds, toys & other items. New items are requested for health and wellness.  Donations prior to event day can be dropped off at Pasadena Pet Motel – 6735 Gulfport Blvd S, South Pasadena. Drop-off locations during the event are at the intersection of Beach Blvd. and 28th Ave. S., at intersection of Beach Blvd. and Shore Blvd., and also at Salty’s on Shore Blvd. during the Bark-B-Q from 10am – 6pm. The Pet Supplies Drive is sponsored in part by Pasadena Pet Motel (Donations Chair) and Pet Food Warehouse (Major Donor). Together as of late January they have already secured over $1,000 worth of quality organic pet food for distribution on event day! Pet-friendly vendor and rescue group applications were being accepted through January 27, with sign-up at www.SIKPromotions.com under the vendor info tab.

– Got Clutter? Gulfport residents, turn it into cool cash. Register now to get your Gulfport address on the brochure for the Permit-Free City of Gulfport City-Wide Yard Sale. Send your Gulfport address to gbiron@mygulfport.us. You can also fill out a form at City of Gulfport City Hall -2401 53rd St. S. Friday, February 27 – deadline to register. Call 727-893-1118 for more information.

Gulfport LIBRARY

Closes Feb 9th for  6 to 8- week renovation. SCOUT HALL SATELLITE LIBRARY OPENS FEBRUARY 16, 5315 28th Ave. S.  At Scout Hall, you can: Check out, Order items, Pick up holds, Drop off returns, Access our Wi-Fi, & Browse New Books / Movies.  Information, 727-893-1074.

Madeira Beach

Lynne Poklikuha is excited about her new sand box location in Johns Pass, outside the arcade, Alligator Attraction and the brand new Aquarium exhibit on the second floor, east of the Chamber’s kiosk. She is also excited about taking her portable business ‘my sandbox’ to All Children’s Hospital each Thursday. She is seeking sponsors at $200/week to cover her time, transportation and supplies to keep up this charitable effort up on a long-term basis. Anyone willing to share their good fortune with sick children is invited to call Lynn to sponsor a week or more of her visits to the hospital. Call 727-631-2655 or email: mysandboxflorida@yahoo.com.



Gulf Beaches Rotarians & friends Captain Mitchell Shenkmanand visitingPittsburghRotariansBetty Wade and Amanda Lewisjoined the St. Petersburg High School Rojan Volunteers to help distribute 6,000books to children on January 19. With a big thank you to the weeREAD book foundation and the Gators’ pirate ship float, the library books were given out to the children lining the parade route.

Kiwanis Gulf Beaches hosts their 7th “Trever Miller 5k” Saturday, April 4, starting at 10355 Paradise Island & Dolphin Drive, Treasure Island. Registration opens at 7am and the 5k Race starts 8am. One-mile race starts 9:30am Contact by email pmccann9@tampabay.rr.com or call 727-687-9762  Sign-up: www.Active.com or www. Coolrunner.comEvent benefits the Kiwanis Miracle League (for handicapped children). Kiwanis contact;Richard Thobe-727-510-0582. Website KiwanisGulfBeaches.com


Florida’s Coral Reefs in the spotlight as The New York Times features Mote’s coral reef restoration work. Our coral reefs have seen devastating losses of more than 90% in Florida and the Caribbean. For 40 years, Mote’s reef restoration work has become even more important to Florida residents: Up to 40% of our fisheries are dependent on coral reefs at some point in their life cycle. Coral reefs mean more than $15 billion in commerce, as the Reefs create more than 120,000 jobs in the State of Florida alone.

And here’s some photos with a little chitchat…


Above: Private $200,000 First Mortgage Sought for landmark St. Pete Beach commercial building. St. Pete Beach resident George Scribano bought the commercial building between Mermaids and Gayles Diner on 75th Ave. in St. Pete Beach and dressed it up quite a bit. His tenants Island Time, a manufacturer and retailer of Adirondeck style beach furniture, and the art gallery of Gabriella  Valencia are stable and like the location. George converted the upstairs into his man cave. Now he is seeking a private first mortgage for half the value of the building, $200,000, in exchange for which he will pay $1,300 per month–likely five times or more what some of our readers are earning on their CD’s these days. If you know someone who might be interested, give George a call at 727-455-3888.


Above: The Chowder Challemge committee of the Friends of Gulf Beaches Historical Museum volunteers presented a check to Spencer Lucas, GBHM president, for $11.012. raised at the 2014 Chowder Challenge II.  The funds will go towards the replacement of the museum’s windows. L to R: Lance Peterson – VP & Volunteer Coord; Spencer Lucas – Pres. Friends of GBHM; Sandy Lyman & Renee Roos (Co-Chairs) & Joyce St Clair – Treasurer.


Spencer Lucas (center) President of the Friends of the Gulf Beaches Historical Museum, (GBHM) presents (L to R) Bruno & Rick Falkenstein with framed photo of the Hotel Casa Bonita, where the present day Hurricane restaurant resides. Rick says “Part of the original foundation remains.”

Montessori by the Sea School (MBTS) shared proceeds of the 84th annual fish broil with local charities: $500 for the St. Pete Beach Public Library, $1,500 for the city’s Library Building Fund, $500 to SPB Support our Troops and $500 to the Gulf Beaches Historical Museum, located on Pass-a-Grille. Most of the proceeds are split between Montessori by the Sea and St. John Vianney Catholic school to support education on the island as is the historic tradition. 727-360-7621or visit www.montessori-by-sea.org.


The first monthly St. Pete Beach Sunset Celebration in Sunset Park at the west end of Corey Ave. is being organized by volunteer Tom DeYampert. The first such city-sponsored event occurs Saturday, Feb. 14th from 5-7pm. “We are blocking off a few parking spaces in the park, bringing in some steel drum music, and encouraging local restaurants to bring out samples of their fare for sunset lovers to try,” says Tom. It sounds like a great way to celebrate the sunset on Valentine’s Day. “If it is a success we plan to do it at least monthly, so mark your calendar for March 14,” he adds.

The familiar kites, flags, & whimsical wind spinners are again flying on Corey Ave. Kathi Hansen, owner of Fun In The Sun Home & Garden, has re-located in her original store that opened back in 2009.Presenting a nice selection of fun decor for your home and garden, collection includes the Original Kit Cat Clock, Day Clock, Corinthian Bells and bamboo wind chimes.Presenting a nice selection of fun decor for your home and garden. Open daily 10am Thursdays through Mondays. 423 Corey Ave, St Pete Beach, 727-288-5561.

– Music in the Afternoon is back! St. Pete Beach Community Center, 7701 Boca Ciega Dr, hosts this event Sundays, March 1st & March 29th, from 2 – 4pm. This casual afternoon will feature light refreshments and plenty of dancing and socializing to classic music of  “The Rhythm Kings.”  Those interested in attending should call 727-363-9245 to ensure space is available.

– Honor Walk Brick Campaign  – The Honor Walk at Upham Beach offers a unique opportunity to honor a family member, friend, or business. In return for a donation for maintaining the Honor Walk, the City will place a brick in one of the four areas of the walk. A campaign is on-going until March 13. Check online at stpetebeach.org or inquire in the Clerk’s office at City Hall..

– Goverment Channel Changed – Bright House Networks will be standardizing the Public,  Education and Government programming across Pinellas and Manatee counties. City Government channel will go from 615 to 642.

The Island Chapel will be having a silent auction & dinner – Sunday Feb. 15 at the church. Food will be catered by Outback Steakhouse. This dinner event is a fundraiser for the mission organizations and trips that the Island Chapel supports. Donations of retail products and services as well as gift certificates are greatly appreciated. Contact Solutions Insurance 727-216-9661.

Eileen Arsenault, a certified Jazzercise and Sport Yoga instructor, began a new series of classes at Redington Shores Town Hall, Indian Shores Town Hall, & Treasure Island City Hall. Classes  include simple yoga for beginning and moderate exercisers, regular Jazzercise for moderate to heavier workouts, Jazzercise Strength60 for fat burning with muscle toning, and Jazzercise Personal Touch for weight training and body sculpting. Contact 727-481-3995 or   eileen.fitnesssimple@gmail.com.

lions-clubThe St Petersburg Lions Club is celebrating 90 years of helping people by looking for people to help. The Lions work serving the homeless, participate in the annual Back-to-School Care Fair, are a key sponsor for Challenger Baseball, a league for children with disabilities. They provide glasses, eye exams, eye surgeries, and hearing aids to those who qualify. Need Help?  Contact the Lions Club! Having difficulty hearing, but can’t afford a hearing aid?  Contact your local Lions Club for help.  After a quick questionnaire, a Lions member will help a financially needy person through the process.  Locally, the Club works with the Bob Evans Hearing Centers and the Starkey Hear Now Foundation to obtain low cost or free hearing tests and hearing aids. If you have hearing aids or used eyeglasses you would like to donate, drop them in one of the collection boxes found all around town.  Check the website http://www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/stpetersburgfl/ to find the closest box to your home. The Lions Club offers help with vision problems.  St Petersburg Lion member Louis is the go to person for this.  Call the Free Clinic at 727-893-7152. The St Petersburg Lions Club has helped hundreds of local citizens get testing, glasses, and in some cases, surgery to restore their sight. Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness; therefore the St Petersburg Lions Club offers free diabetes screening.  Much like the  vision screening, it’s free and quick.  The team is an advocate for helping people determine if they might need medical attention.  Information provided  is always onfidential. The diabetes team also goes to schools & events. stpetelions@gmail.com     

The St Petersburg Lions Club goes to schools, pre- schools, or organizations to screen children for vision problems. The screening is free, quick and painless. For Lions’ members with vision problems who need screening with the latest equipment, call 727-893-7152. Paradise NEWS readers are invited to join any event, meeting or club function. Most are held at the Lions Beach Club House, 9300 West Gulf Blvd on Sunset Beach, Treasure Island.  Club meetings are at 6:30pm on the first & third Wednesday of each month. Dinner is offered on the third Wednesday for $8 per person at the Lions Beach Club House.              

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