THE LABYRINTH IS COMING, And So Is A Labyrinth Workshop!

Pasadena Community Church is the home of a new labyrinth! A Christian tradition since the early Middle Ages, Labyrinths facilitate prayer, personal and spiritual growth. We’re excited and blessed to have a permanent labyrinth here at Pasadena Community Church. Located on the corner of 70th Street and 2nd Avenue South, the Labyrinth design complements the Rose Garden landscaping, benches and fencing, across the street on 70th Street South. Our octagon-shaped labyrinth is 45′ in diameter including a 9′ center “God space”, containing a fountain. Five “circuits” or winding paths, 36″ wide accommodate wheelchairs and walkers.


Projected completion date is Friday, March 6 in time for our workshop: “Walking a Lenten Path: Pilgrimage to Jerusalem.” Participants learn the story of the labyrinth, reflect on the need for pilgrimage in today’s life and experience opportunities for personal and communal engagement with workshop participants.

Workshop Details:

When:  Saturday, March 7, 2015, 9-4 (lunch included)

Where: Life Enrichment Center classrooms 3 ABC

Registration and Cost: $25 before March 2nd and $30 before March 3rd-7th

The Saturday workshop is preceded by a Friday evening meditation prayer service in the Chapel at 7:00, all are welcome. Workshop presenter, musician and former choral director at St. Petersburg High, Rev. Dr. Kay Mutert is a Master Teacher with Veriditas, a worldwide labyrinth organization. Hence, this workshop qualifies participants as Veriditas Facilitator Trainers.  

Questions? Call or email Julie Miano at 727- 381-2499 ext 210 or or visit their website at

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