The Centre – St. Pete Beach

By Michael Moses

New Years 2021 is upon us. The Centre of St. Pete Beach has had an amazing first year of operation, helping people access the benefits of medicinal marijuana. The benefits are easy to learn about, if you wish to. Highly respected online health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola interviewed Dr. Allan Frankel, a California Internist, who, by the time of his interview in March of 2014, had been treating patients with medicinal quality cannabis for seven years. By that time, 20 states had approved the use of medicinal marijuana. Colorado and Washington had approved recreational use.

Dr. Frankel said in that interview “we’ve been indoctrinated to view marijuana as a dangerous gateway drug that will lead you down a path of illicit drug use. Many fail to realize that prescription drugs actually have FAR greater potential to turn you into “a junkie.” Legal drug addiction is also taking lives in record numbers. In the UK, one million people are addicted to over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription painkillers and tranquilizers. That’s significantly more than the number addicted to illegal drugs.In the US, there were four times more deaths among women from prescription painkiller overdose than for cocaine and heroin deaths combined in 2010.2 Pharmaceuticals in general are among the leading causes of death in the US, and some medicines have killed tens of thousands of individuals.”

In his medical practice, Dr. Frankel treats a wide variety of patients with medical cannabis, which has become his specialty. Despite the many claims of cannabis performing miracles, he’s reluctant to think of it as a cure for anything. Occasionally, however, patients will experience very dramatic results. For example, he has seen tumors virtually disappear in some patients using no other therapy except taking 40 to 60 milligrams of cannabinoids a day. The most common thing he sees in cancer patients, however, are tumors shrinking, or a metastasis disappearing. Sometimes tumors will shrink or vanish, only to reemerge in other areas, months later, and then shrink or vanish again… Other common ailments already being treated with cannabis in 2014 included: Mood disorders, Pain disorders, Degenerative neurological disorders such as dystonia, Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, PTSD and Seizure Disorders.

Come visit the Centre of St. Pete Beach this month. Our 20-foot Christmas tree is a sight to behold, and we have some of the highest quality over-the-counter CBD products for you and your pets. Consider attending some of our relaxation classes, including yoga, or schedule a massage.  If you or a loved one have an issue that would warrant access to medicinal cannabis, we strongly suggest you make an appointment with Dr. Ycasa of Triverde Health (727) 322-4588 to discuss getting an ID. It could be the very best holiday or New Year’s gift ever.

Stop by the Centre of St. Pete Beach, 7525 Blind Pass Road, St. Pete Beach, call 727-258-2001 or visit

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