The Centre of St. Pete Beach is a medical marijuana-centric healing and event center, located at 7525 Blind Pass Road in the heart of St. Pete Beach. You can buy top-quality, over-the-counter CBD products for yourself, relatives and friends, even the four-legged furry kind. They even have CR Balanced Coconut Oil!
You can also see a doctor about getting an ID to access medicinal marijuana. Call Triverde Health 727-322-4588 to get an appointment with the Doctor.
The Centre is beginning to hold post-COVID gatherings and events. This month there was a repeat of a Valentine’s prep class, dipping fresh strawberries in chocolate enhanced with medicine, either CBD or both CBD and THC for cardholders. The key is learning dosing. Last weekend The Centre hosted a gathering of the Florida Cannabis Action Network to honor a true warrior Catherine E. Jordan, a past president of their group, for a quarter century of persistence, perseverance and courage. Once a motorcycle riding mama, Cathy Jordan has been a mindful warrior, whose work for 25 years has helped 650,000 patients in Florida get access to the whole plant medicine.
Last year, the Centre hosted a 420 Festival at the Centre. Dispensaries led classes, CBD stores and others sold items. This year the Festival is growing up. On April Saturday, 30, 2022 the Centre of St. Pete Beach has reserved Horan Park, a block east of the Centre and the 420 Festival will be held in the waterfront park with a bandstand with live music featuring our local favorite BaddaSkat and guest singer / song writer Josh Heinrichs. 420 related contests such as Best 420 costume & Blunt rolling contest Best of the Bay Awards for Best Dispensary and Best Budtender Medication lounge (proof of FL State MMJ card required. Delta 8 and CBD vendors other wellness vendors and demonstrations. And for a lucky few, A VIP experience – 1 hour meet and greet w/Josh Heinrichs at The Centre. Josh Heinrichs brand new self-titled, full-length album has officially debuted at #1 on the iTunes Reggae charts and in the Top 100 overall albums chart as well!