Tampa Bay Watch Monofilament Cleanup & Evening for the Bay

Evening for the Bay

After the best-attended event in Tampa Bay Watch history, we want to thank the supporters, volunteers and sponsors who made Evening for the Bay presented by American Strategic Insurance a high-flying, fire-breathing, big top spectacular for all! Bonefish Grill served up crowd favorites as Kahwa Coffee brewed fresh cups of joe at a coffee bar overlooking stunning acrobatic performances well into the sunset. 350 guests dined under the stars to the sounds of The Charlie Morris Blues Band and enthusiastically bid on a circus of live and silent auction items. Thanks to donors from all over Tampa Bay, you helped us raise over $77,000 for bay restoration in one night! Our hats go off to you Tampa Bay- you’re a class act!



23rd Annual Monofilament Cleanup

tbw-monofilament-cleanupThe results are in for the 23rd Annual Monofilament Cleanup! This year 53 volunteers cleaned 44 different sites around Tampa Bay and the Gulf side. The volunteers removed an estimated 22,106 feet of fishing line and 225 hooks from bird nesting islands and mangrove shorelines. Unfortunately 52 deceased birds, or evidence of entangled deceased birds, were found in the process of the cleanup, however two entangled birds were found and rescued. Tampa Bay Watch & Audubon Florida strive to improve angler education with a goal to find a decreased amount of fishing line and less entangled birds each year. A special thanks to our partner Audubon Florida and sponsors, Restore America’s Estuaries and SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Fund for helping to make this event possible.


Find more about how you can get involved with Tampa Bay Watch at http://tampabaywatch.org/.

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