Take the 2018 Pinellas County Citizen Survey

Pinellas County Government looks at its citizens as valued partners and believes that what they have to say about their quality of life here matters.

As Pinellas County continues to focus on its vision to be the standard for public service in America, it’s your time to speak up.

Every year we ask residents, like you, how are we are doing as a community. Your input about living, working, and playing in the County helps us learn about what we are doing well and how we could improve to meet your needs.

Residents are being asked to submit their input online through an annual citizen survey. Feedback from the survey and other outreach efforts are used to develop and prioritize plans and resources for our citizens.

The survey is accessible on the Pinellas County website at www.pinellascounty.org, or through the Pinellas County mobile app, which is available for a free download on smartphones and tablets through the Apple App Store and Google Play.

The brief survey only takes minutes to fill out. It will be open through 11:59 p.m., March 2,  2018.

The online survey is in its eighth year. It follows a statistically valid phone survey, conducted over the course of two weeks, to gather feedback from a cross-section of the county’s residents.

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