St. Petersburg Featured in Where to Retire Magazine

St. Petersburg, FL, has been selected a top retirement destination by Where to Retire, the only magazine in America geared toward helping people with retirement relocation decisions. St. Petersburg is profiled in a feature titled “8 Cities for Downtown Living” in the July/August 2018 issue, available nationwide on June 12.

Where to Retire Editor Annette Fuller said that many retirees like to carve out a niche for themselves in a larger city’s lively, walkable downtown. “Retirees often look for locales that provide easy access to dining, shopping and entertainment, and downtown districts often afford these and more within a confined area,” Fuller said. “This Florida Gulf Coast city’s downtown has it all – restaurants, art galleries, museums, theaters – and a trolley system links up several downtown districts. ‘We enjoy the sidewalk restaurants, bars and breweries downtown,’ one retiree told our writer. ‘It’s never boring and never too expensive.’”

Each year, 700,000 Americans relocate to new towns to retire. Generally, relocating retirees are healthier, better educated and more affluent than those who choose to not relocate. They bring significant economic benefits to their new states and hometowns. Nationally, two dozen states and hundreds of towns seek to attract retirees as a source of economic development.

Where to Retire, now in its 26th year of print, is published six times a year. The magazine covers the best retirement regions, towns and master-planned communities, and recently released its 10th biennial list naming the 50 best master-planned communities in the U.S. It has a national circulation of 200,000 and is sold on various newsstands and at Barnes & Noble bookstores. A one-year subscription is $18. All material in the magazine is protected by copyright law, and reproduction of content requires the permission of the magazine. Print and electronic reprints of an article may be purchased through Dave Hart. Request free information from our advertisers here.

8 Cities for Downtown Living: Charlotte, NC; El Paso, TX; Little Rock, AR; Madison, WI; Richmond, VA; St. Petersburg, FL; Sarasota, FL; and Tempe, AZ.

Information courtesy of Where to Retire Magazine. 

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