St. Pete Beach is Riding A Strong Current of Change by Maria Lowe, Mayor of St. Pete Beach

maria-loweThree new guiding forces were recently elected, and a fourth is soon to be chosen through special election. That, alone, is a significant change. These new leaders bring a fresh outlook, new ideas, and a strong desire to move our community forward.

At the heart of moving forward is a vision for redeveloping the east and west ends of Corey Avenue to make downtown a more pedestrian friendly, water to water, business and entertainment thoroughfare.

I introduced the discussions of reconfiguring the Police Department Building as a new City Hall so that all of our municipal offices can be at the same location. This relocation would then allow the library to occupy the current City Hall building, creating a valuable multi-use facility for locals and tourists, right in the heart of our downtown district. Library patrons could enjoy expansive views of the Intercoastal Waterway and larger spaces for art exhibitions and conferences!

On the South end of town, the groundwork for reconstructing Pass-A-Grille Way, and the utilities beneath it, has begun. This includes a study on how we can best preserve Pass-A-Grille’s unique character through design guidelines.

To help move these ambitious projects along, the City has completed the hiring process for our new Community Development Director.

A decision to put the challenge to our 2013 City Comprehensive Plan in abeyance was made by unanimous vote of the Commission. The intent of the abeyance is to allow time for the outcome of the appellate judge’s ruling to be returned. As your Mayor, I vigorously support a comprehensive plan for our city that will allow our resort industry to update and upgrade their aging stock and amenities to meet the expectations of contemporary tourists. Their continued success is paramount to our city’s vitality. As a resident, I also wish to protect the interests of the residential community. I look forward to the closure of litigation, which puts a comprehensive plan in place for our city so that we can finally move forward.

Following the rules, as required, the Commission voted in favor of a preliminary motion to remove the current City Manager, Mike Bonfield. In response, Mr. Bonfield submitted his separation agreement and declined a public hearing. Thus, we strictly honored his request of not having a public hearing which precludes discussion of causality according to the rules of procedure. The Commission has a responsibility to protect Mr. Bonfield’s rights, dignity, and future endeavors. Our approach is dedicated to the rules of procedure and protects the City of St Pete Beach and Mr. Bonfield.

As a next step, the Commissioners will be crafting a job description to initiate the recruitment process for a new City Manager. There will also be a special election to replace Mr. Parent who resigned.

I encourage you to attend town hall meetings and provide your input. Help us decide what attributes you think are important in a City Manager. Help us pull together to implement a comprehensive plan for improvement. Help us guide this fabulous community to a bright new future. And let’s all enjoy this ride on the current of change!

As a reminder, City Commission meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Your input is invited, welcomed, and essential to our city!

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