St. Pete Beach Hurricane Irma Update

Duke Energy is working to restore power on a priority basis as follows: Life Safety facilities such as hospitals are first priority followed by Sanitary Sewer Systems and then Residential & Businesses. Some areas may be without power for several days. Please be patient. Over 5 million are without power in Florida. Downed power lines should be avoided. Residents are asked to limit water usage that impacts the sewer system since some pump stations are without power. Please avoid doing laundry or running dishwashers.

Several Traffic signals are out and drivers should treat intersections with non-working lights as a four-way stop.

Yard debris should be placed at curb. All debris at your location may not be picked up at one time. It may take several weeks to clear all debris. Landscapers should be directed to haul away debris they collect.

Household garbage will be collected on normal collection days.

The City Building Department is expediting building permits which are required. You may call 727.363.9277 for more information on building permits.

City Hall and St. Pete Beach Library will re-open on Wednesday September 13th. The St. Pete Beach Recreation Center and Pool will remain closed due to power outage.

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