Spring King Of The Beach Fishing Tournament April 28th, 29th, & 30th

king-of-the-beach-banner$50,000 Top Prize – $200,000 Total Payout

All Anglers

On Saturday November 7, 2015 Old Salt Fishing Foundation paid out $50,000 for the first place Kingfish in the Fall King of the Beach Kingfish Tournament with the winning team walking away with over $75,000 in prize money. In total, Old Salt paid 50 teams $202,000 at this, the richest Kingfish tournament in the world. Old Salt is doing it again!

The 2016 Old Salt Spring King of the Beach Kingfish Tournament running April 28 – 30, 2016 in Madeira Beach, Florida will host fishing teams from Texas, around the Gulf and up the Atlantic coast, to Virginia. Anglers will be competing for the King of the Beach crown and the guaranteed $50,000 first place payout. The tournament is wrapped up in a fun filled, three day waterfront festival offering traveling anglers, local families and residents three days of activities, music, food and events.

“The King of the Beach Tournament has offered a competitive angling experience and helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity and programs the past 24 years. The increased prize packages will draw even more competitive anglers from across the southeast U.S. More anglers means more money for our charities and programs. It’s a win all the way around.” Tom Verdensky, President – Old Salt Fishing Foundation. Proceeds from the 3-day tournament and waterfront festival help Old Salt Fishing Foundation fund family & youth fishing programs, provide financial support for select charities and deliver effective advocacy for licensed Florida anglers.

Find out more at http://oldsaltfishing.org /fishing-tournaments/spring-king-of-the-beach.

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