Sponsor a South Pasadena Sun Bench

The City of South Pasadena just announced the addition of colorful benches throughout the local community called Sun Benches. The benches have been designed with a color pattern that represents the City’s logo. They are unique to South Pasadena and are sure to brighten up our streets and parks.

South Pasadena is known as “Our place in the sun.” Now here’s your chance to put your name on your place in the sun! For a one-time cost of $400, you can sponsor a Sun Bench. With your sponsorship, an engraved plaque with your name and personalized dedication message will be added to the available bench of your choosing.

To sign up to sponsor a bench, please fill out a Sun Bench Sponsorship Form and submit it to City Hall with your payment of $400.

For more information, please call 727-347-4171.

1 thought on “Sponsor a South Pasadena Sun Bench”

  1. Nice idea. As former resident of South Pasadena I like this uplifting beautification benches, but I wish South Pasadena would also highlight the few remaining Water troughs that were useful in the early days of South Pasadena. Growing up in South Pasadena made me proud that we had such a rich history. The Iron Works building is still there as well as one of few Water Troughs in the center divider. Let’s keep our early history intact and never remove these Water Troughs or old buildings.

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