Spike in Covid Numbers in Pinellas County Forces A 2nd Closure of The Palladium

Please refer to the message below from Paul Wilborn, Executive Director at the Palladium released on November 17, 2020.

Sadly, I must report that due to the spike in coronavirus cases both locally and nationally  the Palladium has chosen to cancel all live performances for the time being.

In October, when we returned to limited live performances following a complete shutdown in March, our pledge to our audiences was that they would be safe coming to a show at the Palladium. That meant limited ticket sales, social distancing, masks for everyone, and no intermissions to avoid lines at concessions and bathrooms. It worked.

But we also pledged to  follow CDC guidelines, which encourages live shows like ours when the infection rate is below five percent. For October, the rate in St. Petersburg and Pinellas County met that criteria. That is no longer the case.

If you’d like to help get the Palladium back open, please encourage your friends, your family and your political leaders to act responsibly and do everything they can to keep this virus in check until a vaccine is available.

Learn more at https://www.mypalladium.org/.

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