SPB Support Our Troops – Don’t Forget Those Serving!

spb-city-bannerMore than 10 years have gone by since former St. Pete Beach Mayor Mike Finnerty began helping the Support Our Troops operation that had been started in Indian Shores by then Councilwoman Marlene Clausen.

“St. Pete Beach Support Our Troops has been sending packages filled with food and hygiene products since 2007 to local service men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan,” notes Terri Finnerty, Mike’s wife and current District 1 Commissioner. “There are still about 9,800 in Afghanistan and 3,200 in Iraq, according to the Office of the Secretary of Defense.”


Mike and Marlene met at a Barrier Islands Governmental Council meeting shortly after he was first elected to the Commissioner seat for District 1. She announced that she had started a group of volunteers that were sending care packages to troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait. She wanted to know if anyone else would be interested in helping her with this program. As a former U.S. Army Vietnam veteran, Mike was very enthusiastic about the program.

The Mayor brought the idea of setting up a donation box in City Hall to the Commission and it was thoroughly supported. He made the announcement to residents in June of 2006 and committed to picking up donations each week and delivering them to Indian Shores City Hall.

The donations soon overwhelmed the limited space available there, and the City’s weekly Bingo earnings were not enough to support the necessary shipping costs. As a result, St. Pete Beach took over the operation, finding storage space at City Hall with the City Clerk helping get volunteers to sort, pack and ship the boxes.

Within the first two years almost 1,000 boxes were shipped and the program received over 450 thank you letters from our troops.  These have been on display at all fundraising events, along with pictures sent by our troops, showing them doing their job – defending our country and freedom. This is truly a program that has grown into something all the residents of St. Pete Beach can be proud of – every time a package is sent and a letter is received.


In early 2009, Terri incorporated the program as a non-profit with the state  of Florida, under the name SPB Support Our Troops, Inc. On March 23rd,the  program was granted 501 (c)(3) tax exempt status by the Treasury Department. Therefore, all donations are tax exempt for income tax purposes by individuals and corporations.

By May 2011 the program had outgrown SPB City Hall, which was only open Monday-Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Since then, the new home of SPB SOT has been St. Alban’s Episcopal Church on 85th Avenue in a much larger first floor room, with access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

“At the beginning of this program it was difficult to get money for postage,” Terri recalls,  “so our mailings were not that substantial.  However, with monthly donations from the Friends of the SPB Library, among others, we have not had much of a problem finding money for postage the last four or five years.  Congressman W.C.  ‘Bill’  Young was a great contributor and put us way ahead with money for postage the years he donated to our program before his death.

“My best guess is that over the nine years we have sent approximately 550 boxes a year – to be conservative – over 4,000 total packages.”

“With an extensive wish list of requested products (see at the end of this article), St. Anthony’s Hospital started doing a drive for products we sent to our troops about six years ago. Helen Rogers, their Team Resource Manager, was ultimately promoted to work at the Corporate headquarters of Bay Care Systems where she continued to promote our program.”

“Last year the corporate office began asking individual hospitals in their system to make donations. She sent a copy of the  ‘wish list’  of items requested to each of the 19 hospitals that showed an interest in participating. Therefore, everything on the list and more  has been donated, with dozens of boxes currently being sorted for packing and shipping.”

“Also, financial donations may be sent to SPB Support Our Troops, Inc., 330 85th Ave. St. Pete Beach, FL 33706. A loyal group of dedicated volunteers has been doing this fulfilling labor of love for some time now, and we can always use more help.  Included are Barbara Koceich, Barbara Wiktor, Terri Wiktor, Brenda Wigginton, Diana Simpson, Maureen Carr, Vicki Svensson, Terri & Mike Finnerty.”

Terri emphasizes,  “One of the most difficult issues we have been facing in the last year or more is the confidentiality of disclosing where our men and women are stationed. Currently we use the voter registration list provided by the Supervisor of Elections.”

“We would love to continue sending as many packages as we can every month. However, it is difficult to find names. If you know of anyone serving in Iraq or Afghanistan from this Pinellas County area – family member, friend or client, please let us know with their name, rank and mailing address. We are currently mailing packages to service people from St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo, Gulfport, Tarpon Springs and Pinellas Park.” 

To volunteer for SPB SOT, or to provide area service personnel information, please contact  Terri Finnerty by calling 727-641-2314 or spbsot@gmail.com

Terri concludes with this promise:  “The residents of St. Pete Beach are committed to continuing this program until the last of our brave men and women return home safe and sound.”  PN


[Editor’s Note: Special thanks to SPB District 1 Commissioner Terri Finnerty and former SPB Mayor Mike Finnerty for the excellent history and update information for this article.]

Steve Traiman is President of Creative Copy by Steve Traiman in St. Pete Beach, offering freelance business writing services. He can be reached via email at traimancreativecopy@gmail.com.

SPB Support Our Troops Donation ‘Wish List’

Below is a list of items needed to continue sending packages to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. For a cash donation please make checks payable to SPB Support Our Troops, Inc. and mail to SPB Support Our Troops, Inc., 330 85th Ave., St. Pete Beach, FL 33706. For a receipt please contact Terri Finnerty at 727-641-2314 or by email at spbsot@gmail.com.

Food Goods & Toiletries

__ Toothpaste

__ Toothbrushes

__ Moist Wipes

__ Hand Sanitizer

__ Hair Spray (non-aerosol)

__ Lotion

__ Deodorant

__ Razors

__ Shaving Lotion (non-aerosol)

__ Soap

__ Shampoo

__ Conditioner

__ Mouthwash

__ Eye Drops

__ Q-Tips

__ Kleenex (travel size)

__ Feminine Hygiene Items

__ Ibuprofen

__ Tylenol

__ Advil

__ Sunscreen

__ Foot Powder

__ Cotton Balls

__ Washcloths

__ Boot Inserts

__ Packaged Cookies

__ Cheese n Crackers

__ Packaged Candy  (not chocolate)

__ Pudding Packs

__ Gummy Bears

__ Granola Bars

__ Licorice

__ Chapstick

__ Pringles

__ Jerky

__ Gum

__ Peanuts

__ Lifesavers

__ Doritos  (in Pringles container)

__ Salsa in plastic

__ Sandwich Kits  (crackers, tuna)

__ Granola Mixes

__ Powdered Lemonade

__ Powdered Gatorade

__ Hot Cocoa Packets

__ Ice Tea Packets

__ Individual Coffee Bags

__ Cough Drops

__ Tea Bags

__ Ramen Noodles

__ Condiment Packets

__ Trail Mix


__ Bandanas  (Khaki or Camo),

__ Socks

__ Pens

__ Stationary

__ Postcards

__ International Phone Cards

__ Disposable Cameras

__ Batteries

__ CD’s & DVD Movies

__ Mini DVD-Rs or DVD-RWs for recording stories for their children,

__ Magazines 

__ Battery-Operated Fans.

__ Paper

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