SPB Library Relocating for Major Renovations


The St. Pete Beach Public Library will undergo an extensive renovation toward the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, Library Administrator Betcinda Kettells  confirmed to Paradise News. 

“The construction is anticipated to take four to six months,” she said. “Due to the nature of the renovation, the interior of the library will be open to the elements for a period of time. As such, it is necessary that the Library relocates to provide continuous service to residents and visitors. 

“Temporary home of the library will be 7470 Gulf Blvd., just beside P.J.’s Seafood Restaurant, with the lease in final stages of completion. We’ll have about 6,273 total square feet, with the air-conditioned store front section at 3,093 sf and the back warehouse section at 3,180 sf  (not air-conditioned). There’s also plenty of free parking.

“The renovation, under direction of Hennessy Construction, will consist of a new roof deck and soffits.  In addition, the library building will be upgraded in the following areas: doors and perimeter windows will be replaced, the ceiling tiles, lighting fixtures, and carpet will be replaced, and work will be done to the A/C system.  Interior furnishings, such as service desks, public computer workstations, casual seating, and children’s room furniture will be replaced. Requisite electrical work, painting, and other detail work will also be undertaken.” 

At the September 19 Library Advisory Committee meeting, Vince Tenaglia, SPB assistant city manager, confirmed there was about $1.93 million for the project in the Fiscal 2020 city budget effective October 1. Included is about $131,093 remaining in an earlier PPLC grant for new furnishings to enhance patron amenities.

Kettells continued, “The library will offer a full complement of services at our temporary location.  New books, DVDs, and other materials will be available; newspapers and magazines will still be on display for your perusal; both children’s and adult materials will be offered. Public computers, iPads, printers, and copiers will be available; and a scaled-down Friends Bookstore will be included. The outdoor bookdrop will be located just outside the doors so that your materials can be returned at your convenience. You will still be able to request materials from other Pinellas library branches, and our entire collection will be available (though you won’t be able to browse the older fiction and non-fiction stacks like before). 

“Most of our fantastic programs you’ve come to expect from us will not be provided during our temporary stay, although some will be relocated to the Community Center. Keep an eye out for our P.R. (www.spblibrary.com), for direction to some of the best programs. We hope to still offer AARP Tax Aide, S.H.I.N.E. Medicare counseling and other important services in St. Pete Beach.

“The renovation schedule is just now being finalized and we won’t know for a few weeks when the Library will be relocated. Rest assured that we will undertake an extensive information campaign in the days and weeks leading up to any closings or relocations so that our patrons can find us. We’ve had 50 great years in this award-winning building, and the polish and shine it is about to undergo will take us into the future in a safer and aesthetically pleasing way.”

[Editor’s Note: Special thanks to Library Administrator Betcinda Kettells and Assistant City Manager Vince Tenaglia for their vital information.]

[Feature Writer Steve Traiman is President of Creative Copy by Steve Traiman in St. Pete Beach, offering freelance business writing services. He can be reached via email at traimancreativecopy@gmail.com}    

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