City of St. Pete Beach Fire Department Commemorates New Truck on January 19th

The City of St. Pete Beach Fire Department will host a special  event to commemorate the addition to a new fire truck to its fleet. 

The event will take place on Friday January 19th, 2024 at 11AM at Fire Station 23. This station is located  at 7301 Gulf Boulevard in St. Pete Beach. The event will be hosted by Fire Chief Jim Kilpatrick, Deputy  Fire Chief Adam Poirrier, Fire Marshal Kelly Intzes, and members of St. Pete Beach City Hall staff. 

A “Push In” tradition dates back to the days of horse-drawn equipment in the fire service—when  firefighters would return from a call, detach the horses from the apparatus, spray it down and push it  back into the bay. This event is open to the public and will include complimentary coffee, refreshments, and cake. The  event will open with brief remarks from Chief Kilpatrick, followed by a ceremonial spray-down/drying of  the truck, and then the truck will be moved into Station 23.  

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