South Pinellas: Reclaimed Water Tanks Low Due to High Demand

Customers may experience a drop in pressure if mandatory restrictions are not followed.

  • Reclaimed water storage tanks at South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility are low due to high demand
  • Customers may irrigate before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. on authorized watering days
  • Customers are encouraged to visit Utilities website to review reclaimed water seasonal restrictions

The Pinellas County Utilities reclaimed water storage tanks at South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility are at low levels due to excessive user demand, and customers may experience a drop in pressure if mandatory seasonal restrictions are not followed.

Reclaimed water customers in unincorporated South Pinellas County may water up to three days a week based on their address according to the following schedule:

  • Addresses ending in even numbers may irrigate on TuesdayThursday and/or Saturday.
  • Addresses ending in odd numbers may irrigate on WednesdayFriday and/or Sunday.
  • Mixed address properties or those without an address, such as common areas, may irrigate on WednesdayFriday and/orSunday.
  • Irrigating with reclaimed water is prohibited between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Irrigation is prohibited at all times on Monday.

Enforcement of watering restrictions is currently being intensified to encourage responsible use of reclaimed water.

Pinellas County Utilities customers are encouraged to irrigate conservatively throughout the year to promote a healthy, sustainable Florida lawn and landscape. The dry season offers customers the opportunity to learn about, and put into practice, Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ practices, including watering only when grass and plants start to wilt and, when needed, watering deeply to encourage deep, drought-tolerant root systems.

Pinellas County Extension offers information about creating Florida-appropriate landscapes that are attractive, healthier with less water and are less costly than replacing plants every year. Visit to view lawn and garden resources and a listing of upcoming classes.

For more information about reclaimed water restrictions, visit For more information about Pinellas County Utilities, visit

Information courtesy of Pinellas County.

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