Sirius Systems Astrological Services
Office: 727-347-4737

“Get Sirius about your future!”
Beautiful Venus visits Virgo on the 5th and we get practical with money and relationships. We will analyze and critique, making logical decisions in spending, finances, and in relationships. Streamlining is easy now as we sort out the unnecessary. It is a good time for detailed work or volunteering to help others. Mercury stations REtrograde in impartial Libra on the 9th. Reconnecting with others, reviewing, and redoing will all be beneficial now.
The Full Harvest Moon in Pisces falls on the 10th signaling that it is time to reap what we have sown this year. There is a strong spiritual energy that helps us focus on assisting others and making a difference where we can. The Sun moves into Libra on the 22nd and brings the Autumn Equinox. It is the season of togetherness when we enjoy being with others. We love to entertain and have a good time personally and professionally.
Mercury still REtrograde moves back to exacting Virgo on the 23rd. This energy further assists in the details of REevaluation and REleasing that which no longer serves us. Communication and transportation may also have delays. Remember to put off anything new during this cycle. It’s only nine more days before we can safely start moving forward again.
The New Moon in Libra on the 25th begins the first lunar cycle of the season. The next two weeks are all about balance, relating, and making inner changes for outer progress. Love and money planet Venus goes home to Libra on the 29th. We wear our hearts on our sleeves and enjoy the things that money can buy. We love beauty, the arts, and being with others. Indecisiveness can be an issue while weighing options.
VIRGO: Your own personal new year has begun. Popularity and vitality are yours. The full moon lights up relationships. Your career is where the action is. New paths open in income opportunities relating to work; position.
LIBRA: REst and REvitalize with Mercury retrograde in your sign. The full moon focus is on wellness while revising your plan and balancing work duties. The new lunar cycle on the 25th brings you vitality and popularity.
SCORPIO: You are popular at social activities and gatherings. Romance and recreation are the full moon focus. All may affect finances. On the 25th you begin to turn inward to revitalize, meditate and refocus for fall.
SAGITTARIUS: Career is enhanced; you are popular with superiors. Home life and family matters are in the full moon spotlight. Work with partners. Your social calendar gets new energy beginning on the 25th.
CAPRICORN: Energy is focused on work. Travel is enjoyable as the full moon highlights trips and conversations. Clarify plans and be flexible. New paths open in career or position in the new lunar cycle; you call the shots.
AQUARIUS: Resources are strengthened and the full moon shines into income and financial matters that need clarity. Romance and children may affect these decisions. A new interest in education and beliefs arise later.
PISCES: Partners are agreeable, and relationships are enjoyed. Home is where the action is. The full moon in your sign puts you in the spotlight. Finances are reviewed and enhanced, starting a new cycle on the 25th.
ARIES: The workplace is pleasant, and health should improve. The full moon reveals hidden or unknown information. Conversations and short trips are many. A new cycle begins in relationships; business and personal.
TAURUS: Money is spent; recreation and romance are enjoyed. The full moon shines onto social life; friendships and future plans. In the last week, new paths open for work with income. Wellness plans will improve health.
GEMINI: You’re motivated and pulled in many directions. Career, position is in the full moon spotlight. Home life is pleasant, family time enjoyable. A new cycle begins with romance and fun later this month as you reconnect.
CANCER: Short trips are pleasurable but the full moon highlights long-distance travel, too. Prepare for unforeseen delays, disruptions. Family relationships have new beginnings later this month as you reconnect.
LEO: Income is enhanced, and the full moon focuses on finances and resources. Your energy goes into goals and social connections. Later this month a new cycle starts with communication and short trips highlighted.