September Astrology by Sarah Lyons

Sirius Systems Astrological Services
Office: 727-347-4737

“Get Sirius about your future!”

The last three weeks of summer are here and will be over before you know it!  The New Moon in studious, organized Virgo on the 6th begins the lunar cycle and gets us on task for any details we need to address as the season ends.  New energy flows into work, finances, and position as well as health and well-being now.  We can start new patterns and habits by letting go of old values and interests.  Love and money planet Venus visits passionate and resourceful Scorpio on the 10th.  We get serious about what and who is important to us and how we want to invest our time and energy ahead.

Action and energy planet Mars visits relationship sign Libra on the 14th and spends the last two weeks of this month focused on fairness and what we want to create with both personal and business connections.  This will be an excellent time to network with friends, groups, and organizations, too.  

The Full Harvest Moon in the psychic, creative sign Pisces makes its grand appearance on the 20th.  This will illuminate our inner, private world and a need to search within.  A retreat from the daily grind to quiet the mind can allow our innermost thoughts and feelings to be revealed to us.  It is a great time to consider our dreams and if we are willing to make them happen.

The Autumn Equinox occurs as the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd and fall begins!  A new season that’s filled with fresh energy as we leave behind the many daily duties to connect in our relationships.  It is a social time, a time for love, beauty, and entertaining others in all areas of our lives.  On the 26th, we are ready to reach and REconnect as Mercury will Retrograde its last time this year.  A REunion or REvisit with others would be enjoyed.  REview, REdo and RElease the next three weeks and then it will be time to get back on track with planning and preparing for the rest of the year.

VIRGO:  Your personal new year has begun, and a new lunar cycle gets you ready to take action.  Finances are reviewed and income enhanced.  The month ends with a spotlight on personal and business relationships.

LIBRA:  Clear the cobwebs and take inventory as you prepare for your own new year on the 22nd.  Review and release even more.  Values motivate a new plan.  Health is highlighted on all levels, rest, revive and renew YOU. 

SCORPIO:  You invest new energy into social life and relationships.  Quiet time is also important for reconnecting to your private world.  Mid-month on, you enjoy popularity as the spotlight falls onto romance and recreation.  

SAGITTARIUS:  Career and position are energized and enjoy a new start.  Reconnecting with friends and groups is beneficial.  Mid-month, retreat; renew self.  Later on, your home life and family members are highlighted.   

CAPRICORN:  Education and travel bring new interests; tied to playtime and personal expression.  Career stays active and social life is enjoyed.  The spotlight falls on short trips and conversations as autumn begins.    

AQUARIUS:  New developments with resources and finances begin now. Status and career are enhanced.  Travel can be adventurous and fun.  Later your income and values become the center of your concerns.    

PISCES:  Partnerships both personal and professional open new paths.  Resources bring options; review.  A trip would be enjoyable this month.  Later, you are in the spotlight; express yourself and balance relationships. 

ARIES:  New plans with work are good for earning and career or position.  Cooperate and communicate with others.  Resources are enhanced. Take action in health matters as they surface.  Listen to your intuition; meditate.   

TAURUS:  Romance and recreation take new paths.  Health improves if you actively participate.  Partners are cooperative; pleasant.  As the month ends your support to friends and charity is accented. Goals highlighted.     

GEMINI:  New energy fills homelife and family matters get attention. Enjoy your love life and begin a hobby.  Work and health improve and bring joy.  Career is in the spotlight as the month ends; review and adjust accordingly.      

CANCER:  Summer ends with you restless to travel and connect with others.  Homelife is active as you take charge; creativity is stimulated.  Travel and education are highlighted both near and far; enjoy a trip!     

LEO:  Your new plans involve earning, career, and work duties.  Reconnect with others personally and professionally. Home and family life is pleasant. The spotlight falls on resources and financial concerns as autumn begins.   

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