The last month of summer begins with the Full Corn Moon in Pisces on the 2nd. This lunation is packed with a magnitude of celestial activity touching 8 planets! Everyone will feel this energy infusing many areas of their lives!
We are motivated to get things in order and ready for autumn’s soon arrival. Thinking planet Mercury will be visiting fair-minded Libra on the 5th giving us the ability to compromise and cooperate with others but watch out for indecisiveness. Love and money planet Venus is on stage in lavish Leo beginning the 6th when spending and emotions can both go “over the top” with extravagance and drama! Action planet Mars slows down Retrograde on the 9th and will internalize its energy for the next two months. Don’t push the envelope now, but pace yourself and work out your frustrations.

Giant planet Jupiter finally stations direct on the 12th! This planet which governs growth, prosperity, optimism, and belief systems, is finishing its transit through Capricorn sign of business, government, and traditions. It supports higher learning and understanding along with international travel. It is aspecting Pluto the planet of transformation for the rest of this year and we know that many changes will be taking place in our world on all levels!
Karmic planet Saturn also moves direct this month on the 29th and is also traveling in Capricorn its own sign with Jupiter and Pluto! We will see a lot of revelations take place in the coming months as old rules are replaced with new ones and karmic patterns are played out right before our eyes!
A New Moon in logical, practical Virgo on the 17th begins the next lunar cycle. This energy is all about working to get things in order and making adjustments when needed. We can get to the details now to put things in place as the new season approaches. On the 22nd the Autumn Equinox occurs as the Sun enters Libra sign of partnership, peace, and harmony. This is the time of year we honor both personal and business relationships, working together to achieve more than we can on our own. Gracious and sociable we want to enjoy beauty and refinement now. As the month ends our thinking becomes more resourceful and incisive when Mercury moves into investigative Scorpio on the 27th. We look below the surface now to uncover facts for ourselves instead of taking information for granted.
VIRGO: Partnerships are in the spotlight both personal and business. Your own personal new year begins now! Revise resources with creative changes. Enjoy private time. You are ready for new creative experiences.
LIBRA: The spotlight on work, duties, and wellness may feel all-consuming. Make time for rest and friends! Relationships are frustrating; discussions help. New dreams are an incentive to finish projects; ready for the future.
SCORPIO: Romance and recreation are on center stage and creative energy is high! You gain favor with superiors; position enhanced. Work and health need attention. Then, a new interest in friends and social life.
SAGITTARIUS: Homelife and family matters get your full attention. Get back to fun and travel when possible. Keep in touch with friends. New paths in career open with income accented but you work harder for it.
CAPRICORN: Conversations are enlightening, daily life, and short trips accented. Resources enhanced but speculate carefully. It’s time to deal with inner issues, accept transformations, and gain new understandings.
AQUARIUS: Income and finances are your main concern this month. Choose words wisely; drive defensively. Partners are cooperative and pleasing. New plans with resources can bring peace of mind; security.
PISCES: The spotlight is on you! Express yourself, practice self-care, you can make changes now! Revisions in finances occur with many options. New beginnings in relationships whether business or personal is accented!
ARIES: You are busy behind the scenes with many opportunities for growth and advancement. Mars in your sign gives you endless energy and Venus promises fun and romance. New paths with work and a wellness plan later.
TAURUS: Social life is in the spotlight and may include travel or learning. Homelife is pleasant, but work is a hub of activity. Exercise can help with frustrations. A new cycle supports hobbies, fun, and creative projects.
GEMINI: Career and position are in the spotlight with unusual options. You enjoy conversations, put energy into social life, and have many fun interests. Home and family get a new start, later on, be resourceful now.
CANCER: Your focus is on beliefs, education, and travel as understanding is important to you. Homelife is active. Income may be enhanced. Career changes are considered. New ideas and conversations are stimulating.
LEO: The spotlight falls on resources and financial matters. Everyday life is busy! You enjoy popularity and good luck now! Breakthrough in health matters likely. A new cycle begins highlighting values and income options.
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