Report Illegal Dumping

clearwater-logoEveryone can play a role in keeping Clearwater bright and beautiful. Clearwater Police and Code Enforcement have had recent increases in the number of cases of illegal dumping on vacant lots and residential properties throughout the city. Innocent property owners bear the expense of having to rid properties of trash, construction debris, appliances, grass clippings and tree trimmings that are intentionally littered onto their properties.

Illegal dumping and littering is unfair to property owners, the taxpayers, the affected neighborhood and the community. It’s not just unfair; it’s unlawful. According to Florida law (F.S.S. 403.413) and the city’s Codes of Ordinances (sections 21.02, 32.238 and 32.394), the intentional acts of littering, illegally dumping and the illicit discharging of litter and materials is against the law, punishable by criminal prosecution and/or Code Compliance violations.

This illegal act should not be tolerated. If you see something like this happening in your neighborhood, report it by calling Clearwater Police at(727) 562-4242, option 1.

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