Pinellas Ramps Up Red Tide Response, Fish Removal

Pinellas County has deployed Public Works crews and contractors to assist with the removal of dead fish impacted by a Red Tide bloom in Tampa Bay, which is affecting Tampa Bay, Boca Ciega Bay, and the Intracoastal Waterway. 

Over the weekend, the County’s contractor, DCR Emergency Services, brought in eightfishing boats to remove dead fish and marine life from Fort De Soto, Boca Ciega Bay, the Intracoastal Waterway, and sections of Tampa Bay along the City of St. Petersburg’s waterfront. Collectively, local governments had collected more than 410 tons of marine life since the event started in June. 

Pinellas beaches remain open with varying levels of Red Tide spotted along the coast today, but the National Weather Service and the Florida Department of Health have both issued advisories to beachgoers about potential respiratory impacts and avoiding water where dead fish are present. Locals and visitors can find the  latest respiratory forecast and red tide conditions at

The latest testing conducted Friday showed concentrations ranging from not present to high along Pinellas beaches from Fort De Soto to Honeymoon Island; satellite imagery and a flight this morning showed the largest patches around Clearwater Pass as well as from Madeira Beach north to Redington Beach. 

Updated testing results will be released by Pinellas County and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) later today. 

“Red Tide is having an impact on our bay and beaches right now, but Pinellas County is working around the clock to lessen its effects on residents and visitors by removing dead fish and sharing the latest information on where the bloom is concentrated,” said Public Works Director Kelli Hammer Levy.   

“Our beaches remain open and it’s important to check the latest information on which areas are being affected as conditions change from one day to the next.” 

What residents need to know 

Check the latest Red Tide concentrations: Red Tide can cause respiratory irritation in higher concentrations, especially when the wind is blowing onshore. Pinellas County contributes to the Red Tide Respiratory Forecast tool for anyone considering a beach visit. Visit St. Pete/Clearwater maintains a beach status dashboard that also includes this information at The location and severity of Red Tide impacts is influenced by the direction of the wind and tides and may change from one day to the next – check these sites when planning a beach trip for the latest information. 

Report fish kills: Large fish kills have been reported in St. Petersburg and areas of the Intra-Coastal Waterway. Residents can report fish kills to FWC through the FWC Reporter app, by calling 800-636-0511 or by submitting a report online. Residents who find dead fish near their boat dock can retrieve them with a skimmer and dispose of them with their regular trash or call their local municipality for additional guidance. 

Fertilizer ban reminder: Occurrences of Red Tide in the Gulf of Mexico have been documented for centuries, but blooms can be worsened by excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous. Residents are reminded that fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus cannot be used or sold through Sept. 30, and phosphorus cannot be used any time of year unless a soil test confirms that it is needed. 

Information from the City of St. Pete Beach. Learn more at

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