Recommended Realtors on the Pinellas County Barrier Islands and Beyond

Real Estate is a big part of what drives the local economy, fueled by a steady supply of folks looking to escape the snow for more than a week or two at a time. Each year at this time we meet many folks who are looking at real estate for the future, when they can retire.

Real Estate has also been a prime revenue generator for Paradise NEWS. When people ask me who I recommend for them to talk to about selling or buying their home, I always suggest they look through the advertisers in Paradise NEWS.

Paradise NEWS is the only glossy, full color magazine being MAILED to EVERY ACTIVE ADDRESS on the south barrier Islands, so if you were a full time realtor wanting to market your services, odds are you would want to have an ad in the Paradise NEWS 10 times each year.

If you have listings, you would have at least the most important ones pictured in your ad. Those photos over time make it pretty easy to identify who has the most current experience marketing a home like yours. Most real estate offices tend to be pretty local in the type of homes they list and sell. If you wished to buy a home somewhere else you could ask for an introduction to a realtor in that area by someone you know here. We are lucky enough to have a number of local realty offices advertising with us.

Baird Realty Group in St. Pete Beach 727-360-4900 comes 1st alphabetically, although their ad has long graced our back cover. Always have a nice selection of homes & condos listed  from Inger Baird’s 55+ condos at Five Towns from the low 60s to waterfront beach homes with heftier price tags.

Jim Beggins, the broker at Century 21Beggins of St. Pete Beach 727-254-8144 writes a monthly real estate column in Paradise NEWS and hosts a Tuesday afternoon real estate info session from 4-5 pm at his office at 5050 Gulf Blvd. in St. Pete Beach. His sales team covers St. Pete Beach while his son Jeff oversees the nine other Beggins Century 21 offices in the Tampa Bay area.

Chris Robison is the broker/ owner at Compass Real Estate & Compass Rentals, 27-867-0161 located at 5901 Sun Blvd. #105, next to the Boardwalk Restaurant at Isla Del Sol Shopper’s Village. They are “Isla Del Sol Experts.” It is easy to remember Teresa Kelley Brownell’s email address.  The ‘busy blonde’ is everywhere her clients want her to be. She used to be the affordable condo expert at the Sylvette and elsewhere, but these days her listings are a cross section of the places buyers are looking to be.  Call 727-692-5931.

The Coldwell Banker team that has been steadily active since before Paradise NEWS began is Joy Hyland 727-458-4782 who works with her son James Assenheimer. 727-458-4825. With decades of  local experience, they always have interesting listings on the beaches and in neighboring communities like Pasadena Yacht and Country Club, near Stetson & the Bayway.

Frank Hurley & Associates Real Estate is the longest serving office on the beaches. Working from their 26th Ave. location on Pass-a-Grille Way, the Hurley’s have long been folks to see for Pass-a-Grille real estate and rentals. While others have been competing for the prized tiny parcels of land, the Hurley folks know St. Pete Beach like the back of their hands. Call Sean 727-367-1949.

Introduced on our cover in December, Realean Real Estate founders Lisa and Kevin Cahill are busilly building their lower cost real estate concept. (727) 755-1995

By far the most prolific of our recommended realtors, our ReMax  offices own the first advertising spread and often the center spread of the magazine as well. They have been filling at least 3 pages with active listings in every issue.

Our inside front cover ad comes from the ReMax Metro’s 153 107th Ave. Treasure Island office, which also spawned the Byrne & Brylinke team that advertised Dolphin Bay as well as other listings with us last year. The facing page is from ReMax Preferred, with two offices at 5801 Gulf Boulevard and across the road at 5050 Gulf Blvd. as well.

Two other Remax teams can be found sharing the Tierra Verde spread, both of whom have been full time realtors for decades.

Allison and David Estabrooks concentrate on St. Pete Beach, Isla and the Bayway.

The Salamone Group from the Remax Metro Bayway office is in its 25th year of helping people buy and sell luxury, waterfront, and investment property from downtown to the beaches. They did a beautiful 2-page year-end review of 2017 in our December issue. Very impressive!

If you have any idea of selling your home in the next decade, you should be seriously thinking about doing it now while sales prices are at their peak and interest rates are low.

We sincerely appreciate all of the fine realtors in our area, whether we have had room to mention them here or not, and their contributions to the success of our real estate market over the years.

We are glad we have also been able to contribute to their success. Here are the ones we know the best and how to reach them. If you want another opinion or an idea of what your house could sell for today, we suggest you contact one of them. PN

Baird Realty Group 6695 Gulf Blvd., St Pete Beach

Eric Baird (727) 455-1096
Nancy Baird (727) 580-7622
Tanya Baird (727) 458-7103
Inger Baird (727) 642-6114
Lynda Griffin (727) 515-8672
Linda Lowe (727) 488-9012


Century 21Beggins 5050 Gulf Blvd.St. Pete Beach

Jim Beggins – Broker (727) 254-8144

Coastal Properties 347 Corey Ave. St. Pete Beach

Teresa Kelley Brownell  (727) 692-5931

Compass Real Estate & Rentals 5901 Sun Blvd., St. Pete, 33715

Chris Robison (727)-864-5624
Steve Marshall (727) 415-6223
Stephanie Marshall 460-5339
Mike Collins (727) 324-8904
Jaime McKnight (727) 430-2491
Virginia Warfield (727) 290-5909

Coldwell Banker Real Estate 6505 Gulf Blvd. St. Pete Beach

Joy Hyland (727) 458-4782
James Assenheimer (727) 458-4825

Frank Hurley & Associates 2506 Pass-A-Grille Way St. Pete Beach, FL 33706

(727) 367-1949
Serving the Beaches from Pass-A-Grille for three generations.
Sean Hurley, Neal Blackburn
Brenda Ercius, Linda Hopkins
Reza Razavi, Dave Volpe

RealLean Real Estate

Kevin & Lisa Cahill (727) 755-1995

The Salamone Team at ReMax Bayway Isles
Tierra Verde, Bayway & Downtown St. Petersburg
(727) 560-6676

Remax Metro – Treasure Island 153 107th Ave., Treasure Island

Valerie Acree (727) 542-0365
Bettina Guild (727) 420-7606
JoAnn Martindale (727) 744-5667
Tina Herrell (727) 251-6630
Paulette Hadley (727) 421-1919

ReMax Preferred – SPB 5050 & 5801 Gulf Blvd.  St Pete Beach FL 33706

David & Allison Estabrooks  –Isla Del Sol & Bayway Isles Specialists (727) 460-4061
Diana Sames (727) 776-0122
“The Australian Agent” Zach Sherf (727) 360-6090
Shana Story (727) 318-2290
Ron Thompson (727) 422-5558

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