Publishers Message November 2020

November is National Caregivers month. It is also time for Thanksgiving  and the beginning of holiday and New Year celebrations.

If yours is a family that has one or more caregivers looking after elderly parents, you are blessed. Many caregivers labor with little thanks and a lot of stress. A little show of gratitude can help make them feel more appreciated for their efforts, especially during the holidays.

November is also National Diabetes month. Half of Americans are pre-diabetic and a quarter of us have the disease. We offer encouragement and some reminders of what
can be done to prevent this chronic ailment that is rampant in America. 

You will find an attitude of gratitude pervades the content of this issue. To say the least, it’s been an odd year. Here in Paradise there is more than ever to be thankful for. 

If you are a sports fan, there’s the Tampa Bay Lightning winning the Stanley Cup.

There’s the Tampa Bay Rays making it to the World Series. And Tom Brady is leading the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to multiple wins while the Rowdies triumph despite few or no fans in stadiums. On top of all that, in 3 months, Tampa Bay is hosting the Super Bowl.

If you are an environmentalist, the air is cleaner around major cities. If you are a homeowner or work in real estate or finance, record low interest rates are powering unprecedented demand for our homes and fueling a boom in real estate and mortgages.

If you are healthy and happy; If you have a job today; If you have enough food in your pantry and on your table; If you can afford to pay your utilities and credit card bills, you are better off than many Americans and most of the rest of the world.

In the midst of a quarantine over a global pandemic, it is easy to become anxious, and to ask yourself what you have to be thankful for. Take a break from watching or listening to statistics of hospitalizations and deaths. Educate yourself about precautions from reputable sources, exercise and eat healthy and reach out to friends and family with virtual love and support. 

Relax in Paradise with a good book, music or movie.. If you read Paradise NEWS from cover to cover, you’ll discover dozens of safe in-person events, concerts and more. 

We are thankful for the readers, advertisers and the small army of talented people that  have helped us to bring you Paradise NEWS for more than 25 years. If you contact any of  our advertisers or story subjects, please let them know you read about them here.

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