Publishers Message May 2019

If April’s issue looked like a wedding edition, with the Post Card Inn’s Wedding Showcase featured in the  ‘cover story,’ this May edition might be confused as a real estate issue for the same reason. We are celebrating this month with Tim & Gina Johnson, owners of Waterfront Realty who have opened a new office, on Gulf Boulevard, across from Archibald Park on Madeira Beach, yet downtown, which is being reborn. An amazing location.

Madeira Beach residents west of the intracoastal got a sample copy in the mail this month. That is part of our 25th Anniversary outreach program that mails a copy to a different community of prospective readers each issue. Those readers are invited to subscribe to get a copy by mail 10 times each year for $22.50, (25% off the usual $30 annual subscription). Subscribe by mail, using the subscription form supplied or online, yes, we have taken a small step toward joining the e-commerce evolution. Hit the “subscribe now” button at

Our feature story this month is actually about Tourism. Real Estate and Tourism are so closely intertwined here in Paradise that it is sometimes hard to separate them. Every tourist agency in Florida are begging for funding for our state tourist agency, VISIT FLORIDA which is under legislative attack. Late breaking news indicates a 1 year extension of their October 1 sunset may be in the offing.

The tail end of winter storm ‘Wesley’ brought some welcome rain and winds strong enough to thin the early mango crop just a bit and a few welcome days of spring-like weather.

As season wanes, local merchants on the beaches tend to mark down end of season merchandise. If you have any needs in the way of clothing, shoes gifts and home decor, check out Corey Ave.

Sometime this summer the construction on Blind Pass Rd. is expected to embrace the intersection with Corey Ave., making access more challenging, so I expect you will find some great deals there over the next few weeks. The Corey Sunday Markets run through May and the Craft Show returns the first week of June. Remember the Gulfport Tuesday Market runs year round. For more details on “markets,” see the Arts & Leisure column.

We are looking forward to having a group of our friends join us on Sunday, May 26th from 7-11 for the USO Memorial Day Dance at the St. Petersburg Coliseum. You will find an ad on page 9 of this edition and on online at from the local Swing Dance Gang that partners with USO to organize the Memorial Day weekend blast from the past. Hope you can join us there.

And for all our mothers out there, we wish you a Happy Mother’s Day!

Especially the mother of all mothers, – ”Mother Earth.”

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