Publishers Message March 2019

We are thrilled to feature our favorite private school as the cover story this month. Admiral Farragut Academy was the catalyst that drew us to St. Pete Beach when our son, Jordan, reached high school age. Jordan liked the school but did not like living there his freshman year, so we moved close enough for him to be a day student. His four years “at Farragut “taught him how to learn on his own, and he has never stopped. It has been 19 years since we previously featured Admiral Farragut Academy on our cover, at the turn of the millenium when the campuses consolidated.

The new Fine Arts building is just the latest addition to this great school, that now has a large female contingent and serves Pre-K through High School. The gala Reach For The Stars Event sounds like an occasion not to be missed. They also have open houses in April for prospective new students. If you have been thinking about a private education for your children or grandchildren, this is a world-class resource, right in the neighborhood.

Thanks to all who responded to the Bus Rapid Transit article in our February issue. The plan is definitely faulty and impactful on many of our lives if we find ourselves on 1st Avenues north and south frequently. In case you missed it, it was on page 31 of the February issue which can now be found in our online archives as well as on selected racks (like in front of Chill on Corey Ave.,) or search BRT on

Most of you know we are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of service to the community, and we thank the Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber of Commerce for recognizing our efforts over the past quarter century with an award for a quarter century of service to the community.

As part of our anniversary celebration we are expanding circulation on the mainland. We are offering all our advertisers 25% MORE, increasing our press run to 37,500 from 30,000 and sending sample copies of Paradise NEWS into homes and businesses in the 33701 – 33712 zip codes for the balance of 2019.

New advertisers are getting an additional incentive to join us NOW with an offer of 25% OFF our current advertising rates for the rest of 2019. This 25% more for 25% less seems to be an offer that is hard to resist. We have quite a list of new advertisers already this issue, including: Century 21 Coast to Coast, Coldwell Banker St. Pete Beach, CBDmd, America’s Boating Club (St. Pete Sail & Power Squadron), The American Legion, Last Minute Pickup, Boulevard Shoppe, PCI Resort, Teresa Gandeza LMT & dock builder & liftmaster, Island Marine Construction.

While advertisers are important to Paradise NEWS, engaged readers are critical. Thanks for reading and please tell everyone you read about them.

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Have a Great St Patty’s Day!

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