Publishers Message March 2018

Dear Readers;

Time flies this time of year, with so many ‘Events’ going on throughout our readership area.

As we predicted last month some warmer weather was headed our way with spring temperatures swelling crowds at Seafood and Art Festivals, Fresh Markets and more throughout February.

Being the only warm spot in the nation helped propel some local businesses to record high sales. Renee and I took my cousin Myra from Montreal to deliver copies of our February issue to Safety Harbor Arts and Music Center, (SHAMc) which was featured in the center spread, and had our photos taken with their pink elephant on our way to the Sponge Docks of Tarpon Springs.

Height of season continues through the month of March and is generally stretched by spring break into the middle of April. Then folks come in for our terrific spring “shoulder season” which usually features the kind of weather we enjoyed for most of February.

Tuesday, March 13th is municipal election day for some of our communities. Whether you are one of the 70% of registered voters who requested a vote by mail ballot, or you plan to visit your local polling place, do make your vote count. Many local elections are decided by just a few votes.

Saturday, March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day, and festivities are planned throughout our territory, with a special enhanced celebration this year on Corey Avenue where the Swigwam, Chill and Tapz on Corey are pitching in for a street party that starts at 11 am and features live music and dancing in the street.

Some of the area’s oldest hotels have been undergoing renovations. Treasure Island’s Bilmar, for example, just cut a ribbon with a joint Chamber of Commerce Mixer on March 1, to celebrate the new look of the hotel and its beachfront efficiency rooms. The Alden on St. Pete Beach has been renovating Gulf front suites as well.

If you have not yet visited Paradise NEWS online, you must put that on your to do list. You could even do it now! Go to www.paradisenewsfl.comYou could even get there from your phone. A year ago we upgraded to a mobile-freindly site. There you will find the magazine online, and a great deal more. As an additional reward you can subscribe to our weekly electronic newsletter sent Thursdays with our Paradise pick of 5 top things to do this weekend. You will also get the first advance peek at each new issue as it is posted online shortly after the first of each month.

Thanks for reading Paradise NEWS and if you visit any of our advertisers, please tell them you read about them in Paradise NEWS.

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