Publisher’s Message – June/July 2018

June/July means summer is here. Highs in the 90’s. Lows in the mid 70’s.Our snowbirds have migrated back to their northern nests. The beaches and Gulf of Mexico are beaconing.

Drive with caution, as schools are on summer break for the next two months, and I don’t think children feel the heat like we grownups do. Those that are not in summer camp may be skateboarding to the beach, playing in the street, or riding their bikes. They are unpredictable.

Please practice safety on the water too. Last month we ran a column on page 7 from the Desk of our Sheriff with a checklist for boating safety.  At the top of the list was to enroll in a safe boating course. In the quite comprehensive arts and leisure listings that run from page 41 – 55 in each edition of Paradise NEWS, there is a category called  ‘On the Water’ on Page 48-49 which includes contacts for several local safe boating courses. They are inexpensive, to the point, thorough and far better than YouTube. Please check them out.

June is the time for the Tampa BayWatch Tarpon Rodeo, a lot of fun for fish people, celebrating the annual return of these majestic creatures. Not considered edible, Tarpon have long been fished just for sport.

While we hate to bring up the point, June is also the official start of hurricane season. Irma was for most of us just a warning, a reminder that preparations are wise. Having a plan is essential.

This issue we offer our hurricane preparedness update by Steve Traiman in the hopes you won’t be the person at the end of a long line at a local big box store, negotiating a float full of plywood or worse. We also have a report by our new freelance writer, Bonnie Quick, with accolades for some local governments on their handling of the cleanup after Irma blew through.

There is a primary election August 28 for candidates wishing to replace veteran John Moroni on the Pinellas County Commission. Meanwhile, we mourn John’s passing as we just learned he lost his 4th battle against cancer, a struggle he was thrilled about winning thrice before. Deadline to register to vote, or to change your registered party affiliation so you can vote is July 31st. Google  ‘Pinellas Supervisor of Elections’ for more info.

As we mentioned last issue, our Silver Anniversary of publishing Paradise NEWS is approaching. Far from sitting on our laurels, we plan on ‘renewing our vows’ to continue to make Paradise NEWS the best read publication on the South Beaches and more.

Have a Great & Safe July 4th!

Renee & Peter Roos & All the Talented People that help create your Paradise NEWS.

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