It is November, America’s traditional time of Thanksgiving. The fourth Thursday of November falls on the 24th this year. You can find an excellent history of the holiday on Rather than just a day of giving thanks, we have, in this column, often proposed that the entire month of November be one in which we try to focus on being appreciative of all we have. 

This month we are proposing something really radical. Why not try adopting an “attitude of gratitude” for an entire year? You can be thankful your ancestors left Ukraine, Crimea, Iran, South or Central America, even England or wherever, and that you have been able to live in relative freedom and peace. Even if you lived in Ft. Myers Beach, you can be thankful you survived and that others have your back. 

When was the last time you mailed someone a thank you note? It is really amazing what can happen to you and those around you when you consciously show your gratitude for things you generally take for granted. 

“A direct connection exists between an “attitude of gratitude” and a person’s mental and physical well-being,” according to an article in Psychology Today. Imagine, you could overcome a lot of the anxiety you are feeling and improve your physical well-being just by counting your blessings and telling people that help you that you appreciate them. Start today and see how it feels.

Autumn has arrived. If you live in “Paradise,” as we like to refer to our little corner of the world, and cannot find something to be grateful for, try harder. 

Within the next 60 pages we have hidden clues, hints, and suggestions how to live a better life here. Read your Paradise NEWS carefully cover to cover. If you know someone who might be interested in it, pass it forward. Not everyone in St. Petersburg or north of John’s Pass gets it in the mail.

If you have a new neighbor who has not gotten it in the mail, tell them to look for a copy in one of our 500+ racks and stacks until the post office finds them.  A partial list of pick-up locations is found next to the table of contents on page 4 of this issue.

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