Publishers Message February 2021

From the Publishers Peter and Renee Roos

January’s Paradise NEWS included a very strong health focus. It started with the cover story about the merger of Tom Elman’s Jade Tree Wellness with Florida’s Natural Farmacy and their Magnesphere chair.

That was the third in a row January medical cover story. We then introduced our new Health & Wellness columnist, primary care provider Dr. Ryan Baker. We followed that with a story about the husband and wife massage therapy team of Scott & Zoe and the far infrared saunas at Helios Health. Then we welcomed the growing team at the newest office of stem cell experts Regenexx Tampa Bay, now also in downtown St. Petersburg. 

Steve Traiman did an insightful article about Florida’s new minimum wage with an exclusive interview with John Morgan. We also had a double dose of astrology for the first of the year.

This month, we have downtown concierge Nanette Wiser back at work, thinking about St. Valentine’s month, with some ideas about safe ways of getting out of the house to hear a little live music and other forms of socially distant fun. Some folks are getting desperate for any such opportunity. Nanette is our most prolific writer, and we have no idea how she learns so much but love her energy, enthusiasm and willingness to share. It is Valentine’s month and our theme is “What’s Love Got to do with it?” One thing we love is older buildings with character.

This month Steve looks at the work of Preserve The ‘Burg, a historic preservation oriented not-for-profit that has a great website that is like a walk down memory lane and is seeking new leadership as the city explodes.

We welcome a few new advertisers, Hales Air Conditioning, Dr. Carolyn Quinlan’s Medical Weight Loss practice, and Coastal Home Care to name just a few.

The year is off to a SUPER start, with COVID-19 vaccines starting to be distributed so the virus that has killed a half million Americans may start to be controlled in the next few months.

As always, we appreciate our readers, without whom all this work would be meaningless.

We wish you a blessed year, full of love.

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