Ways You Can Help Protect Our Oceans in Pinellas County

World Oceans Day is June 8th! Here are some encouraging ways you can make a small difference and together WE can make a BIG DIFFERENCE in Pinellas County:

Cut Down on Plastic

  • Bring your own bags and bottles: Think of it as a stylish choice! Show off your reusable gear and inspire others.
  • Join beach clean-ups: Gather your friends and family for a beach clean-up day. It’s a great way to bond while making a difference. Check with your city or Keep Pinellas Beautiful for upcoming cleanups.
  • Trash it right: Keep our beaches beautiful by making sure trash goes where it belongs. See Pinellas County’s current recycling guide at https://pinellas.gov/recycle-guide/.

Fish Responsibly

Support Green Businesses

  • Shop sustainably: Choose businesses that care about the environment. Your purchases can drive big changes.
  • Promote eco-friendly tourism: Enjoy local attractions that prioritize sustainability. It’s a win-win for you and the planet.

See our list of eco conscious businesses working to minimize their global impact at https://www.paradisenewsfl.com/local-eco-conscious-businesses/.

Save Water

Protect Local Habitats

  • Respect nature: Follow guidelines in protected areas and admire wildlife from a distance. It’s all about preserving beauty for everyone.
  • Join habitat protection efforts: Participate in efforts to protect areas like coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds. You’ll be helping preserve vital ecosystems.
    • Join the St. Pete Beach Dune Savers Friday mornings this spring to help preserve local sand dunes. Volunteers are welcome to join to help every Friday 8:30-9:30AM. Locations vary by week. Volunteers will also about native species and how you can help preserve our precious dunes by removing invasive plants. For more information email Deb Rothenburger at d2bvr@aol.comm or Ayako Ruckdeschel at aruckdeschel@stpetebeach.org.
    • See local organizations information below for more opportunities through groups like Tampa Bay Watch and Keep Pinellas Beautiful.
    • Check with your city for upcoming events and opportunities.

Get Involved in Conservation

Pinellas County is home to several fantastic environmental organizations dedicated to protecting and preserving the local ecosystem, including the oceans. Join local groups like Tampa Bay Watch or Clearwater Marine Aquarium. You’ll meet passionate people, learn so much and get to dive into activities like planting seagrass or restoring oyster reefs. It’s hands-on and incredibly rewarding! Here are some key organizations you can get involved with:

  • Tampa Bay Watch
    • Focus: Conservation and restoration of the Tampa Bay estuary.
    • Activities: Oyster dome building, seagrass planting, shoreline clean-ups, educational programs.
    • Get Involved: Volunteer for restoration projects, participate in events, or donate to support their work.
    • Website: Tampa Bay Watch
  • Clearwater Marine Aquarium
    • Focus: Rescue, rehabilitation, and release of marine animals, along with public education and research.
    • Activities: Marine animal rescue, habitat restoration, public education programs, eco-tours.
    • Get Involved: Volunteer, attend educational programs, adopt a marine animal, or donate.
    • Website: Clearwater Marine Aquarium
  • Keep Pinellas Beautiful
    • Focus: Litter prevention, waste reduction, and community beautification.
    • Activities: Clean-up events, recycling programs, educational workshops, tree plantings.
    • Get Involved: Join clean-up events, participate in recycling drives, or volunteer for beautification projects.
    • Website: Keep Pinellas Beautiful
  • Suncoast Surfrider Foundation
    • Focus: Protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves, and beaches.
    • Activities: Beach clean-ups, water quality testing, environmental advocacy, educational events.
    • Get Involved: Volunteer for clean-ups, join advocacy campaigns, participate in local events.
    • Website: Suncoast Surfrider Foundation
  • Friends of the Tampa Bay National Wildlife Refuges
    • Focus: Protecting the National Wildlife Refuges in the Tampa Bay area.
    • Activities: Habitat restoration, wildlife monitoring, educational programs, advocacy.
    • Get Involved: Volunteer for restoration projects, assist with wildlife surveys, or become a member.
    • Website: Friends of the Tampa Bay National Wildlife Refuges
  • St. Petersburg Audubon Society
    • Focus: Conservation of birds and their habitats through education, advocacy, and restoration efforts.
    • Activities: Bird watching tours, habitat restoration, educational workshops, advocacy for bird-friendly policies.
    • Get Involved: Attend birding events, volunteer for habitat restoration, or support advocacy efforts.
    • Website: St. Petersburg Audubon Society
  • Sierra Club, Suncoast Group
    • Focus: Environmental conservation and sustainability across various ecosystems.
    • Activities: Conservation campaigns, educational events, outdoor activities, political advocacy.
    • Get Involved: Join conservation campaigns, participate in educational outings, or volunteer for events.
    • Website: Sierra Club, Suncoast Group
  • Eckerd College Environmental Studies Program
    • Focus: Environmental education and research.
    • Activities: Student-led research projects, community outreach, sustainability initiatives.
    • Get Involved: Attend public lectures, collaborate on research projects, or support student initiatives.
    • Website: Eckerd College Environmental Studies Program

By taking getting involved and taking some of these actions, you’re not just protecting our oceans—you’re joining a community of passionate people in Pinellas County who care about our planet. Together, we can make a huge difference and have a great time doing it!

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