President’s Message from the Gulfport Area Chamber of Commerce

Each year LocalShops1 celebrates people, businesses, and organizations that make Tampa Bay such an amazing place to live, work and play with the presentation of the Community Awards.  

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that this year the Gulfport Welcome Center has been included as a nominee for the area’s Best New Business.

While the Welcome Center is a new initiative of Gulfport Area Chamber of Commerce and our partner the Gulfport Merchants Association, the Gulfport Area Chamber of Commerce has been creating programs that benefit local business throughout and beyond our service area for decades.


As the host of the wildly popular New Years Eve Gala, Springfest, and the Pink Flamingo Tour of Homes, as well as a sponsoring dozens of other local events, we bring, educate and entertain thousands of visitors annually to our community and equal as many opportunities to our local businesses.

We donate annually to local elementary schools making sure that our area children have backpacks and school supplies that they need to become successful, and when other members of our community have a need, such as the recent fire on 58th street which interrupted commerce at four local businesses, the Chamber was there to lend a hand.

Supporting our community is in our DNA.

Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to serve you as your President during the most exciting time in our history.  

If you’re not a member of the Gulfport Area Chamber of Commerce, please join us.

Together we prosper!

Barry Rubin, President of the  Gulfport Area Chamber of Commerce

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