Barrier Island Towns Expedite Permitting to Speed Rehab

by Steve Traiman

Barrier Island towns like St. Pete Beach (SPB), Treasure Island (TI) and Madeira Beach (MB) are trying to take the lead in expediting permitting and inspections for properties damaged by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

In SPB the emergency permitting period started Sept. 23 and runs to March 2025. The one-day permit review will be prioritized for demolition, roof, windows/doors, garage doors, electrical repairs including panel/meter, dock, pool, and water heaters. Properties damaged by Helene will get prioritized technical review.

As nearly all SPB properties are located in the special flood zone hazard area, the FEMA “50% Rule” for substantial damage applies and will be enforced during this period. Structures on the Historical Registry or in the PAG district may be exempt from the FEMA rule, but check with your design professional. For questions, contact SPB planning and zoning at 727-363-9229 or email at

State representative Linda Chaney organized a webinar on Oct. 25 featuring a FEMA leader, the Pinellas County Property Appraiser and others involved in the process. The goal was to share information about the rebuilding process and the FEMA 50% rule. The rule exists so public money is not used to substantially repair structures that are likely to flood again. As a result, they want the FEMA package filled out entirely when people apply for permits so the entire repair estimate can be considered for 50% rule purposes.

All permit applicants are required to apply online via the online permitting system. Owner/builders may apply online and are NOT required to come in person to sign the required documents. They can upload their signed notarized documents via IworQ. For inspections, it’s the responsibility of the contractor or owner/builder to request the required inspections at each step of the process.

Permits are available in the Community Development (CD) lobby from 8am-3:30pm daily. Interim CD Director Denise Sanderson told Paradise News: “Our permitting process has been enhanced with extended hours and beginning Oct. 28, by added staffing provided by state emergency response resources.

“Since SPB is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area, we are required by FEMA to require submittal and thorough review of the FEMA Substantial Improvement Review Package (FEMA Packet) for all structures that do not conform to flood plain management regulations. For structures that do comply, we are able to expedite permitting with receipt of an Elevation Certificate since the FEMA Packet is not required.”

At Treasure Island, spokesperson Katherine Kyounkin told Paradise News: “Mayor Payne, City Manager Anderson, Fire Chief Barrister and Public Works Director Boyles are all committed to partnering with both state and local leaders to drive the recovery process (permitting and inspections) for our community. Permitting will be done out of City Hall’s lobby from 8:30am-3pm daily. For questions call 727-631-2947 or online”

At Madeira Beach, City Manager Robin Gomez told Paradise News: “permitting office hours for in-person help with applications is available at the City Hall Gym, second floor, Mon.-Fri. from 11am-4pm.” Building demolition fees are waived through Nov. 14. “For any questions, call 727-399-9951, ext. 1, or email at”

[Editor’s Note: Special thanks to Denise Sanderson, Katherine Kyounkin, and Robin Gomez for their excellent comments and information.]

[Steve Traiman can be reached at 727-798-4746 or email]

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