Pinellas County Face Covering Ordinance FAQ

Am I now required to wear a face covering everywhere I go? 

All county residents must wear a face covering while in most indoor public places within Pinellas County, although the Board provided several exceptions. 

What places and activities are exempt from the face covering requirement? 

Activities such as the following can take place without wearing a face covering: 

– Attending or participating in religious rituals, such as various forms of singing, provided that social distancing is strictly maintained. 

– Exercising while social distancing, such as when walking on the trail or working out at a gym. 

The requirement also does not apply if a person is strictly adhering to social distancing and there are 10 or fewer people in the location who are also maintaining social distancing. 

I or someone I know has medical issues that affect the ability to wear a face covering. What happens in those situations? 

Individuals with a medical issue that prevents wearing a face covering are not required to wear one, although they may consider other forms of protection such as a face shield. The application of the ordinance also cannot conflict with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

What about schools and government buildings? 

Those facilities are exempt. However, governmental entities such as schools, courthouses or city halls and other similar entities are encouraged to develop procedures to protect employees and the public based on their respective needs. It is recommended that you check before going to any of those locations so you are aware of any specific requirements. 

What about children and other people under the age of 18 – are they required to wear a face covering? 

If a person is under age 18, that person’s use of a face covering is left to the discretion of that person’s parent, guardian or an accompanying adult.  

I don’t have a face covering. Where can I get one? 

The county is partnering with several library branches and community organizations to provide a limited supply of free face masks throughout the county on a first come, first served basis. Visit the Pinellas County COVID-19 website for details on the latest locations and contact information so you can check availability before heading out to any of the locations. You can also make a face covering from a clothing article, such as a scarf, or from a piece of fabric. 

Do I have to bring my face covering when going out to dinner or for drinks at a restaurant or bar? 

Yes, you must wear a face covering when visiting bars and restaurant, except for when you’re actually dining or consuming a beverage. You must also maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet from other parties. You must also not congregate in groups of more than 10 people. 

Will restaurant and bar employees be required to wear face coverings? 

Yes, every employee preparing or serving food or beverage, or having customer contact, must wear a face covering indoors and outdoors. 

Can I stand at the bar and get served? 

No. Staff may only serve customers who are seated. Serving patrons only when seated will help maintain social distancing and prevent standing groups from congregating without the proper distancing.  

Information courtesy of Pinellas County Government.

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