Encouraging Words: Make Time to Take a Pause

ENCOURAGING WORDS By Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones

Last night after watching the nine-o’clock news (not recommended) I took McDoodle, my dog, out for a late evening stroll. I couldn’t help but stop and stare at the full moon; it was exquisite. I thought, “Wow, that is stunningly bright–I don’t even need my flashlight.” Knowing that the moon has no light of its own, other than what it reflects off the sun, I thought, “I am quite literally standing in sun light right now.” What a perfect metaphor for the interconnectedness of all things–even when it isn’t visible to the human eye. 

After gazing at the moon for several more moments, I realized humans (and probably animals) have done the same thing for countless millennia–staring at that same mystical light in awe and wonder. In a heartbeat I forgot about the pandemic and the nine-o’clock news and instantly felt a kinship with humankind, animals, the planet, and a universe expanding at the speed of light spanning eternity. 

THE TAKEAWAY: In uncertain and challenging times it can be a wise practice to pause and seek to align with something larger than the news of the day to aspire to. The key is to remember we are all part of something far greater than ourselves which extends far beyond our capacity to comprehend; something that affirms we are one with the sacred continuum of life–even if we can’t always see it. With all that is going on in our world today, which seems to contradict our oneness, that is something worth remembering. We all shine on, indeed.

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